That's not addressing the accusation that you made that it is left wing media (or attitudes) are ignoring, or stopping full reporting of the protests in Iran.
That's because you misinterpreted my point, i don't say there underreporting, because the discussion of under or over reporting is endless.
My point is we can have all the equality laws in the world in the west, as long as there are
- random attacks on people just because they happen to be gay/trans/lbtqhtc++ (sorry don't keep track off the right order)
- attacks on women because the religion of the attacker(s) says women in a (short)skirt are bad women so it's free for all or words with the same meaning
- teachers can not teach in the way we want to because of some people thinking it's insults their religion (and lead to protests, beheadings etc.)
Above are just a view points, examples , but all of the above if you criticize them enough on them you called ''islamophobic'' while there isn't really an term for all those muslims who are and/or where actually quite ok with things like Isis(make no mistake this was a big group unfortnutally), the way how Iran is once again murdering their own inhabitants for the sake of their reading of how the Islam should rule etc.
We are meant to believe the only ones to fear about are the ones that stab random people, blow themselves up in an football station and so futher an so forth.
And the left-wing media plays a very big role in retaining this situation. and in my opinion that is also helping regimes like Iran. A stronger voice for an much more progressive interpretation of islam, similar to the changes Christianity went to would be more helpfull.
But currently we only have the ''deny the problem until it dissappears'' (the left) Or Blame the whole group claims there all out to get us and need to be deported (the right)
Both are not really working.
And the regime in Iran and other intolerant regime's like the Taliban are the laughing third parties. They will have no problem recruiting western youngsters similar like Isis did.(haven't seen any indications that they are doing that at the moment but that is hardly the point)