Israel / Palestine

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Another numpty tried to claim that Labour is losing voters over their stance on Gaza.

Looks like nobody told the voters

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Another example of the domestic politics being played out are the clear lies coming from Hoyle about his reasons for accepting Labour amendment over the SNP's motion.

Hoyle claimed he made the change because of threats made to MPs by the public.

If by the public he means the pro-Palestine faction then this excuse makes no sense. He annulled the motion they would most likely favour and replaced it with one they would not.

Deleted member 159

I don't want to pop your balloon, surveys, especially politically ones are virtually pointless. It only takes a comment or 🪦 to sink a campaign

Remember Gordon Brown-calling the old women a bigot

Ed 'Edstone' Milliband


I don't want to pop your balloon, surveys, especially politically ones are virtually pointless. It only takes a comment or 🪦 to sink a campaign

Remember Gordon Brown-calling the old women a bigot

Ed 'Edstone' Milliband

Jeez you are thick.

I'm not even sure I can be arsed to explain why I posted that poll, what it has to do with the discussion in hand, and how counterfactuals about what might occur in the future are irrelevant.

Honestly, if you had just the merest glimmer of awareness of just how thick you come across you would do the sensible thing and fûck off and spend your time doing wordsearches or something more at your ability level.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
A humanitarian ceasefire is a waste of time.

After a certain period, it all kicks off again and we're all back to square one. What's the point? The ceasefire agreement will also have to have measures in place to deal with any infringements of the ceasefire, regardless of who carries out the infringement.

At least the SNP are calling for a ceasefire for all. I also know that the SNP support a 2 state solution and always have done, unlike Starmer who is too much of a coward to call for this.

In practice what is the difference between a humanitarian ceasefire and a ceasefire? The important word is ceasefire, and the unpleasant fact is that both can be broken, no matter what measures are in place, unless the will is there to cease firing on both sides.

The UN would need to send in a peacekeeping force to police a ceasefire, Israel would not agree to it, and the US would veto it.

I watched an item on Newsnight last night in which an Israeli politician/commentator? was scornfully dismissive about Israel taking any notice at all of a British vote for a ceasefire. If they listen at all, they only listen to the US.
Does anybody remember when 'Parliament Today' meant Corbyn reading out a letter from Brenda in Hull complaining about the potholes in Cottingham? Simpler times ...


Senior Member


Senior Member
As a non-religious person, not sure I want the Government (which ever party it may be) to be "in the pocket" of any religious group (no matter which religious group that may be).

I think you've missed the point. Traditionally the labour party have taken the Muslim vote for granted. Now they've alienated large swathes by running scared of the Israeli lobby and being shoot scared of being called antisemitic.
Even if the Muslim vote was a block, that might not be a big enough factor in itself to swing the election given current feeling among the electorate. But Keith has been scared enough to go running around constituencies trying to reassure Muslim groups he's a decent chap.
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The polls suggest otherwise.

The Labour lead has stayed static or grown since Oct 7th.

Arab/Muslim unity is somewhat of a facade. When push comes to shove other interests take precedence.
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