Israel / Palestine

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Well-Known Member
Still can't see anything the British state or anyone else has to be embarrassed about in relation to Mrs Assad.
A person who is a British citizen marries someone who turns out to be a bit of a wrong 'un or a cad is not in itself a cause for embarrassment


Still can't see anything the British state or anyone else has to be embarrassed about in relation to Mrs Assad.
A person who is a British citizen marries someone who turns out to be a bit of a wrong 'un or a cad is not in itself a cause for embarrassment
If you don’t feel embarrassed then good for you.

The state often expresses collective pride when UK citizens do things which are considered good, despite the state having very little influence over it. We probably all feel a little bit of pride if a GB athlete wins a medal, despite having no actual reason to feel that pride.
So why not express collective embarrassment too, if things go wrong.

It’s not an admission of any wrong doing on our part.


Still can't see anything the British state or anyone else has to be embarrassed about in relation to Mrs Assad.
A person who is a British citizen marries someone who turns out to be a bit of a wrong 'un or a cad is not in itself a cause for embarrassment

Didn't have to stay married to the mass-murdering dictator, though did she, or enjoy the billions extorted from the Syrian people.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
As a person born in the UK, and therefore a British citizen by birth, born to parents of foreign heritage, her citizenship should be treated the same as any British citizen born in the UK to parents of foreign heritage, say Shamima Begum, should have been treated.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Perhaps we should have a UK wide Day of Embarrassment? We could make it a Bank Holiday, with parades to show our National Collective Embarrassment for suitable candidates.
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Perhaps, to reduce the incidence of future Embarrassing UK Citizens, the Government should tighten the qualification for UK citizenship. The mere chance event of being born in the UK or of having a parent who is a UK citizen, may not be sufficient qualification. Perhaps, what is needed is a Citizenship Qualification, administered by a new Agency, (with a suitable fee of course). The qualification would need to be “refreshed” periodically (at a fee) to ensure standards were maintained.


a citizen marries someone who turns out to be a bit of a wrong 'un or a cad is not in itself a cause for embarrassment

They married in 2000, six years after Assad had gone back to Syria to be groomed as the heir to Hafez, which was fourteen years after Bashar had seen his father order the destruction of Hama, killing 40,000 people. So "turned out" is just false.

As for the UK citizen, here is an excerpt from her wiki page:

Screenshot_20241213_094049_Samsung Internet.jpg

Obviously, being at the top of a murderous regime and benefitting from billions of pounds as a result is nothing compared to a UK child being groomed and running away from home to marry the groomer.

Spen's repeated failure to condemn Mrs Assad is very telling.
All that maybe so but they already had a big buffer zone and have had for over 50 years, it's called the Golan Heights. They have occupied and built settlements against international law, there are around 30,000 Israeli's now living there, IMO what they are doing now is just a further land grab using military force to occupy territory of another country.
Yeah, same as Putin with attacking a other country to ''protect'' a minority that happens to live in a part of the country that also housed his naval base. Before it escalated further in ''22
My idea of a buffer zone would be no one being allowed to live there, it would be an red line that if crossed with tanks, soldiers weapons etc. would trigger a reaction. If you start building settlements etc. it's just stealing a other countries land. plain and simple.

To my mind, if Israel ever wants to live in peace and security it has to sit down with its neighbours and talk and come to some agreements. When new neighbours arrive 1st thing Israel does is send in fighter aircraft and bomb them. To me that's not seeking peace and security but just a path for eternal military conflict.

They see it as destroying weapons that can otherwise be used against them. in the official reading at least.
I think it's testing the water, if the provocation would lead to an assault you would ideally prefer it now instead of later when they have time to organise i think a other element is showing they are not afraid to strike first. When Isis at the time was calling Hamas ''weak'' and told them they would go and destroy Isreal, we didn't hear anything about that anymore not because they forgot, we didn't hear anymore because Isreal struck them and them struck them hard.
If above is the intention and if that is a good strategy, for every reader on itself to judge.
Surprised UK Gov. have not been talking about revoking her British Citizenship. One must assume she has Syrian citizenship and I understand UK Gov. has given itself such powers and I suspect it wouldn't be as controversial as their previous use of these powers.

You mean when they stripped someone who said ''yeah i saw a few heads in a bin, it didn't phase me because it where unbelievers'' is less controversial then stripping Assad's wife if her nationality, i think down the line it doesn't really matter to be honest. Both horrible human beings, i would strip both if a nationality id it was up to me and it was legally possible.

The British State.

If we are embarrassed enough by Shemima Begun running away as a child to marry a jihad to want to strip her of her citizenship, why on earth would we not be embarrassed by another British citizen being married to a dictator that oversaw 500,000 deaths?
A 16 years old is capable enough to judge to known that being smuggled into a terrorist state might not have the best future prospects.


A 16 years old is capable enough to judge to known that being smuggled into a terrorist state might not have the best future prospects.

She was 15, and she was groomed.

If it is her fault, then presumably you think all 15 year old grooming victims are to blame for their own abuse.

Most 15 year olds can't even name the Prime Minister, let alone know anything about events in a far away country.
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Well-Known Member
They see it as destroying weapons that can otherwise be used against them. in the official reading at least.
I think it's testing the water, if the provocation would lead to an assault you would ideally prefer it now instead of later when they have time to organise i think a other element is showing they are not afraid to strike first.
When new neighbours move in next door to me, I don't rush round (before they've even unloaded their belongings) and poke them in the eye with a stick to check if they retaliate. Previous neighbours might have been a real nuisance (loud radios late at night, etc.) but if I want to have a peaceful time with new neighbours, poke in the eye with a stick will not encourage them to be considerate.

New Syrian regime is in no position to retaliate immediately. But Israel is setting the long term agenda on day one, showing how it intends to behave towards its neighbours.



Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
She was 15, and she was groomed.

If it is her fault, then presumably you think all 15 year old grooming victims are to blame for their own abuse.

Most 15 year olds can't even name the Prime Minister, let alone know anything about events in a far away country.

A bit of a worry for plans to give 16 year olds the vote, perhaps. But, given that a significant proportion of the adult population probably can’t name the Prime Minister, maybe nothing to be concerned about.
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