Idf no better as the Hamas death cult? I really would like to believe you but then a watched below clip. Somehow i take the words of people who have latterly an bag with their processions above their head above your silly claims. And they are very cleary they blame Hamas, not Isreal not Idf. Could have something to do with a other clip that shows hamas shooting over the heads of people with an white flag to (try)prevent their meat shields from leaving. Hard to tell to be honest, but i doubt they see Idf as the same as Hamas for some reason.. Could have something to to with ordinary Palestinians living in poverty, not having acces to clean drinking water whilst Hamas lives in mansions, same can't be said about the Idf. But yeahhh really similar right? The bends people go to to justify shoot, if i talked the same way about any group that is coincidently arab you would call me islamphobe. how do we call jewishphobe/isrealphobe people again? there was a word for but i forgot something starting with an A or an N i think..
(and the source is an arab news station, as you might see)