I know people who've received honours and by and large they've worked hard and bloody well deserve them. I don't think it says anything about their opinions towards monarchy or empire that they decided to accept them although I understand why some may wish to decline.
Yup it's up to the individual, of course .
I think some more up to date scheme , without Empire baggage would be favourable for the modern age though .
Who says we're 'trying to move away' from anything, you?
I know you don't like people having a different opinion on things but I would imagine lots that would like to get some sort of award, I'm not one of them before you go off on one of your lectures but once again I'm pointing out that just because the half dozen or so people who come on here think one thing there's probably equally as many who think the opposite.
Where do I say I don't like other opinions .??
I just don't always agree with them, and say why.
If I didn't want to hear different opinions I wouldn't be here..
Are you saying I should agree with them all.??
What happened to freedom of thought?
Or does that only cut one way??
When I say 'we' I'm referring to people also active in various forms of social justice activism.. No 'everyone in the world'
I'd have thought that was obvious..
But clearly not.
You appear to have a very absolutist mindset about a lot of things, including me and my opinion..
But you mustn't fall into having a go at me personally though, because apparently some people on here
really don't like that kind of behaviour ..
Oh , hang on a minute, it appears they
do like it sometimes -
- approval has come from the usual quarter it would seem ...
How curious...
Ps - is it only me who 'lectures' in your view There plenty longer posts than mine that don't attract such criticism..
Wonder why that is then ??
If you've already been publicly lauded for your work, like an actor, activist, or politician, you can turn down a gong from the Queen secure in the knowledge that you've already had your reward. And often been decently paid on top of the recognition. For ordinary people, getting something from the Queen, minor or major, is a long overdue recognition for their work and for the charities/organisations they represent. I don't begrudge them it, and it says nothing about their view of the system that they accept an award.
If it wasn't Queenie dishing them out it would be the PM or President ot whoever. And that system seems even more corrupt than ours, eg Presidential pardons.
I'm not saying anyone else should or shouldn't accept an award, I'm just saying I find it odd when people who have made their names being 'anti establishment' in one way or another
Suddenly do accept , PT has clearly stuck by his principals.
Most of these more 'humble' sorts who get offered one have been nominated by their community, sector, or whatever..
The nomination is the recognition imo.
From those who nominated, not so much the royalty or Empire bit.
Some people would love getting one, that's up to them.
Personally having spent a lot of my time engaged in activities which are trying however obliquely, to undo many of the effects of 'Empire' 'colonialism' 'establishment hierachies' and other forms of entrenched exploitation and injustice, I'd find it pretty weird to accept anything with the words 'of the British Empire' in it.
As to my mind that institution has caused untold suffering and hardship across the globe.
Accepting an award in its name would go against most of what I believe in .
Not that there's much risk of it happening anyhow, so it's not my biggest worry right now..
Some of my best friends are black/gay/disabled/whatever.
Some of my friends are
very whatever too ..