I did see a crowd of angry white men attempting to set fire to a building full of men women and children 'on MSM'. I presume you're trying to link me with their reasoned argument as to why that action was a justified.Well you won't see this on MSM
ReallyHe'll have to apologise and pay for the microphone but sometimes people snap
The journalist just asked one question, didn't goad him.Rowley was, by all accounts, already angry when he left the Cabinet Office meeting. Then some journo starts goading him about two tier policing
Seems to have a very short fuse.
Whilst poor old far right thugs must be the paradigm of patience, waiting nearly thirty years before kicking off
Without knowing what was said in the 'COBRA' meeting I guess we don't know how far his fuse had fizzed before the journo stuck a microphone in his way.
He has literally demonstrated what frustration can lead to. God sake he was asked one question
People of this nation have had the communities destroyed, their girls raped, murdered and you expect them to go quietly into the night.