He's certainly let himself go since the Bee Gees.
Tragedy, innit?
He's certainly let himself go since the Bee Gees.
Tragedy, innit?
He's certainly let himself go since the Bee Gees.
Netflix up
Amazon Prime up
Disney+ up
Sky up
BBC licence fee frozen for last 2 years with an expectation that it rises with inflation in 2024. But now Sunak is saying and extra £1 a month is too much!
I’m well aware that the first 4 aren’t compulsory purchases but even so the BBC is an institution which must be protected.
The big difference is that TV watchers have a CHOICE with Netflix etc, ie, if you don't like their offerings, don't buy the package. No such choice exists with BBC, even if you don't watch their output, if you watch live TV, you have to pay the Fee.
For what it is worth, I do watch BBC in preference to ITV etc, and, I do pay the licence fee.
I’m well aware that the first 4 aren’t compulsory purchases but even so the BBC is an institution which must be protected
Not anymore, it should become subscription model
Why do you think it doesn’t need protecting?
Because he's a pure cünt?