Levelling up

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Fab Foodie

Legendary Member

Rewilding or simply cutback?

I am noticing pathways are ever increasingly narrow. And getting an arm sliced by overhangs, when being overtaken, is a new one for me.

Am on a fb group about memories of old Exeter. Lots of archive photos and reminiscing. But the same old trope come up time and time again to the point am thinking of making a special bullshit bingo sheet. The ususal suspects are:
  • Students - despite the fortune and diversity they bring to the city - they're the problem the City's in a mess and 'everything's for the students'....
  • Student accommodation - 'the Council only builds for students but not residents' - despite the fact that all the student accommodation being built is done privately - so no council money because the council has no money
  • Redevelopment of the city - not as good as it used to be - when I grew-up in the 60s the exact same mantra was commonplace about the brave new world after the blitz 'What the germans failed to destroy the council completed' - this is the development now that's now so cherished (actually I think post-war Exeter was a triumph of a design and bold vision) - but late 40s/50s buildings are no longer what the modern city needs
  • Everything on the high street is closing 'I remember when it was buzzing, all those shops' - Mmmm do any of you shop online?
  • The state of the weeds on the pavements/everything is overgrown - 'I pay enough taxes to keep this City nice'
And so on and so forth, despite Exeter receiving plaudits on a regular basis as one of the nicest places to leave, the city with the most green spaces etc etc.

So despite repeatedly being politely informed by several member on a regular basis that the council's funds have been slashed by nearly 40% by the Tory Central Govt, the shops are closing because of online shopping (further reducing the Councils revenue) or shopping in out of town centres thus killing the high street, then no - you don't pay enough tax to make-up the deficit! It'd probably the students keeping the City afloat!
The same old tired miserable thoughtless bollox is trotted out on fb every day. No amount of 'evidence' or debate will change minds.

There was an interesting 'Great Lives' prog the other day on R4 - Donella Meadows - Environmentalist and driver of Thinking in Systems - worth an ear.
Somehow, the Exeter fb group of randommers don't seem to able to grasp the interrelationship of things, or, they don't seem to fact check things that they believe are connected (or not). This is a common situation with modern schooling, politics, Populists, Tabloids and many other aspects of life.
Just maybe much of the cities woes (real or imagined) is because YOU voted Tory at the GE, YOU voted for Brexit, YOU Shop online with Amazon, YOU use the car over public transport, YOU shop at Tesco rather than Bob's Greengrocer? Just maybe the City is in what you believe are it's death throes because of YOU!
Decisions have consequences - you'd do well to think about what they might be? Well one of them is grass and weeds on your pavements....

There are options - do something about it instead of moaning!

BTW: The new Knee-jerk is LTN's, this is immediately conflated to road-pricing, restriction of freedom, money raising by the money-grabbing council yadda yadda yadda.
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The Crofted Crest

Active Member
Am on a fb group about memories of old Exeter. Lots of archive photos and reminiscing. But the same old trope come up time and time again to the point am thinking of making a special bullshit bingo sheet. The ususal suspects are:
  • Students - despite the fortune and diversity they bring to the city - they're the problem the City's in a mess and 'everything's for the students'....
  • Student accommodation - 'the Council only builds for students but not residents' - despite the fact that all the student accommodation being built is done privately - so no council money because the council has no money
  • Redevelopment of the city - not as good as it used to be - when I grew-up in the 60s the exact same mantra was commonplace about the brave new world after the blitz 'What the germans failed to destroy the council completed' - this is the development now that's now so cherished (actually I think post-war Exeter was a triumph of a design and bold vision) - but late 40s/50s buildings are no longer what the modern city needs
  • Everything on the high street is closing 'I remember when it was buzzing, all those shops' - Mmmm do any of you shop online?
  • The state of the weeds on the pavements/everything is overgrown - 'I pay enough taxes to keep this City nice'
And so on and so forth, despite Exeter receiving plaudits on a regular basis as one of the nicest places to leave, the city with the most green spaces etc etc.

So despite repeatedly being politely informed by several member on a regular basis that the council's funds have been slashed by nearly 40% by the Tory Central Govt, the shops are closing because of online shopping (further reducing the Councils revenue) or shopping in out of town centres thus killing the high street, then no - you don't pay enough tax to make-up the deficit! It'd probably the students keeping the City afloat!
The same old tired miserable thoughtless bollox is trotted out on fb every day. No amount of 'evidence' or debate will change minds.

There was an interesting 'Great Lives' prog the other day on R4 - Donella Meadows - Environmentalist and driver of Thinking in Systems - worth an ear.
Somehow, the Exeter fb group of randommers don't seem to able to grasp the interrelationship of things, or, they don't seem to fact check things that they believe are connected (or not). This is a common situation with modern schooling, politics, Populists, Tabloids and many other aspects of life.
Just maybe much of the cities woes (real or imagined) is because YOU voted Tory at the GE, YOU voted for Brexit, YOU Shop online with Amazon, YOU use the car over public transport, YOU shop at Tesco rather than Bob's Greengrocer? Just maybe the City is in what you believe are it's death throes because of YOU!
Decisions have consequences - you'd do well to think about what they might be? Well one of them is grass and weeds on your pavements....

There are options - do something about it instead of moaning!

BTW: The new Knee-jerk is LTN's, this is immediately conflated to road-pricing, restriction of freedom, money raising by the money-grabbing council yadda yadda yadda.

Nice one, Fabbers. Living up to your avatar there.


Am on a fb group about memories of old Exeter. Lots of archive photos and reminiscing. But the same old trope come up time and time again to the point am thinking of making a special bullshit bingo sheet. The ususal suspects are:
  • Students - despite the fortune and diversity they bring to the city - they're the problem the City's in a mess and 'everything's for the students'....
  • Student accommodation - 'the Council only builds for students but not residents' - despite the fact that all the student accommodation being built is done privately - so no council money because the council has no money
  • Redevelopment of the city - not as good as it used to be - when I grew-up in the 60s the exact same mantra was commonplace about the brave new world after the blitz 'What the germans failed to destroy the council completed' - this is the development now that's now so cherished (actually I think post-war Exeter was a triumph of a design and bold vision) - but late 40s/50s buildings are no longer what the modern city needs
  • Everything on the high street is closing 'I remember when it was buzzing, all those shops' - Mmmm do any of you shop online?
  • The state of the weeds on the pavements/everything is overgrown - 'I pay enough taxes to keep this City nice'
And so on and so forth, despite Exeter receiving plaudits on a regular basis as one of the nicest places to leave, the city with the most green spaces etc etc.

So despite repeatedly being politely informed by several member on a regular basis that the council's funds have been slashed by nearly 40% by the Tory Central Govt, the shops are closing because of online shopping (further reducing the Councils revenue) or shopping in out of town centres thus killing the high street, then no - you don't pay enough tax to make-up the deficit! It'd probably the students keeping the City afloat!
The same old tired miserable thoughtless bollox is trotted out on fb every day. No amount of 'evidence' or debate will change minds.

There was an interesting 'Great Lives' prog the other day on R4 - Donella Meadows - Environmentalist and driver of Thinking in Systems - worth an ear.
Somehow, the Exeter fb group of randommers don't seem to able to grasp the interrelationship of things, or, they don't seem to fact check things that they believe are connected (or not). This is a common situation with modern schooling, politics, Populists, Tabloids and many other aspects of life.
Just maybe much of the cities woes (real or imagined) is because YOU voted Tory at the GE, YOU voted for Brexit, YOU Shop online with Amazon, YOU use the car over public transport, YOU shop at Tesco rather than Bob's Greengrocer? Just maybe the City is in what you believe are it's death throes because of YOU!
Decisions have consequences - you'd do well to think about what they might be? Well one of them is grass and weeds on your pavements....

There are options - do something about it instead of moaning!

BTW: The new Knee-jerk is LTN's, this is immediately conflated to road-pricing, restriction of freedom, money raising by the money-grabbing council yadda yadda yadda.

I'm the same with Boston.
That is exactly the same here.
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