Absolute cobblers, the judiciary has been politicised. The variability of sentences is a complete joke.
Attack a man in the street, repeatedly punch him. That is actual bodily harm. Suspended sentence, compared to some of those involved in the aftermath of the 3 girls murdered by a terrorist. Several years for making inflammatory comments.
The general public are not blind and can see the unfair, injustice, imbalance in sentences.
Listen up Shithead. Harm is not determined by the number of punches, but by the extent of injury.
Parliament are the legislature. They decide what the law is.
The police report breeches of criminal law to the CPS.
The CPS decides which cases to prosecute and which to drop.
Magistrates in some courts or jurors in others determine culpability.
The independent Sentencing Council for England & Wales produce sentencing guidelines.
Magistrates or Judges determine mens rae where appropriate and apply the sentencing guidelines accordingly.
Any degree of politicisation is caused by the shortage of prison places caused by a right-wing government during so-called ''austerity'' a process involving selling off police stations, court buildings, and the prison estate to developers. And now we have a government that you consider to be ''lefties'' and ''woke'' are left with trying to fix the problems they inherited from shitheads like you who think that tax should only be paid by other people.