New Covid Variant (Omicron). two cases found in UK

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Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
The Omicron Strain definitely sounds like the prog rock version.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
The Omicron Strain definitely sounds like the prog rock version.

I don't know about that, sounds more like a BP Machine to me, I think the WHO could have thought up a more sound bite friendly name. The Woodstock Variant, or the Wizard Variant perhaps?


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Deleted member 28

The simplest, easiest & least intrusive way of reducing transmission. Add social distancing and indoor ventilation for greater effectiveness.
It is unless you like going out, mixing with people and enjoying yourself, the 2m rule cocked everything up.

Masks and ventilation not so much but you try going to the pub or sporting events or concerts or car/bike shows etc and keep apart.

You may not do any of the above so it wouldn't be intrusive to you but it is to others.


Active Member
Masks and ventilation not so much but you try going to the pub or sporting events or concerts or car/bike shows etc and keep apart.

You may not do any of the above so it wouldn't be intrusive to you but it is to others.
I went to pubs and sporting events and it was fine at the ones that geared up for it. Some of the pubs made an utter shoot show of it, though. Maybe all the ones you went to got it wrong, which is your bad luck or possibly misjudgment.

Or maybe by "mixing with people" you mean manhandling them, in which case, no, that's not possible at 2m distance and that's a good thing!

I don't remember right now if I went to a concert during any restrictions. I've found that restrictions make work, food shopping and medical care take longer - all of which are much more essential than pubs, sport or concerts IMO - so it's possible I didn't find time to go to a concert. Oh well, if it extends some lives among the older generation, it's worth it!


Yebbut, masks don't work, according to those stickers on lampposts…
[which I find incredibly offensive on multiple levels, and their producers likening themselves to victims of Nazi 'justice' is downright obscene]


Master of the Inane Comment
Confirmation is still awaited that it has made its way here from South Africa - imported by people flying back home from there.

I absolutely don't get it that in the middle of a worldwide pandemic people are still flying halfway round the world, and to countries with a considerably lower vaccination rate.
Is personal enjoyment a greater imperative than community safety?
That might be the answer to my question.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
It is unless you like going out, mixing with people and enjoying yourself, the 2m rule cocked everything up.

Masks and ventilation not so much but you try going to the pub or sporting events or concerts or car/bike shows etc and keep apart.
Went to my first gig since before the pandemic last week - everyone was masked, as in Scotland it's still mandatory indoors (unless you're Bodger at Cop26, of course). It wasn't a problem at all, completely used to it now & looked like everyone else was too. In fairness though 2m social distancing's a non-starter under the circumstances, but I'd say people seemed a lot more respectful of personal space than in the Before Times.
Has Coronavirus been watching too many violent video games in a world where all the positive micro-organism role models are being played by bacteria?
Apropos of nothing, a few years back there was a videogame called 'Omikron - The Nomad Soul'. Notable for featuring a digitised version of David Bowie performing songs he composed for the game.

...I did say "apropos of nothing", didn't I? ^_^


Active Member
My daughter bought us tickets to the Strangler's final concert in early 2020. It's been postponed at least twice and I think it's scheduled for sometime in the Spring of next year. Here's a clip of the last Strangler's concert I went to in the Shepherds Bush Empire. All the masks in the world will not save you in an enthusiastic crowd like that.

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