Normal Island

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Ian H

Legendary Member
Oh noe..

My wokey leftie dickism swoons in terror at such trenchent expositions..

I'm sure he knows what he means in his own wee noggin, but meanwhile he comes across as a proper tinfoil nutter alerting us to the imminent danger of being swamped by all the gays, the blacks, the trans, the workers, and the radical wimmin, furiously demanding that we be treated justly ...

Who exactly is the enemy in your mind??

What I learnt from him is that Sartre & Mao want everyone to be black & gay, and want to destroy all tigers. Or something like that.


What I learnt from him is that Sartre & Mao want everyone to be black & gay, and want to destroy all tigers. Or something like that.

It's the sort of thing those types do tbh.

They've got it in for otters too by all accounts 🤔🦫🧐


Only in your fevered imagination.

Well mainly on t'internet, and in (some) press reviews actually.
But if you don't look at those things, then I guess you wouldn't know 🤔

Avoid Vue cinemas, perhaps.
One of my most delightfully eccentric friends lived in Staines, beside the Thames, in an asbestos bungalow on stilts, overrun with cats. Her home-made baked beans were amazing; her fish soup was to be avoided at all costs.

Sounds like a fab friend to have, so long as the asbestos went undisturbed. 🧐

Shall probs wait til it comes to Sidders and see it there..

I love the fact that the lady who sells you the tickets, then scoots across to the popcorn booth to serve you that...

Plus the whole Odeonic, swishy curtain, gilt edge vibe .

I know this isn't music n culture etc, but has anyone seen Oppenheimer yet??

One of my son's said that a couple of his mates were deeply struck by it.


I know this isn't music n culture etc, but has anyone seen Oppenheimer yet??

One of my son's said that a couple of his mates were deeply struck by it.

I saw it. It is OK, but the flashback within flashback narration confuses the story. I had to explain to our oldest the chronology of events for it to make sense.

As a physicist the bits at the beginning where they used modern art to try and explain how groundbreaking quantum mechanics was really pissed me off, but then I always was of the calculate, don't intuit school.

The bit where it succeeds is capturing Openheimer's conflicting personality, but it fails in showing the conflict between the scientists that wanted to share information as a means of de-escalation and the military and politicians that thought the arms race could be won. This was the nub of the conflict between Openheimer and Strauss.

Also, Teller in real life was even more of an arsëhole than in the movie.

Deleted member 49

I saw it. It is OK, but the flashback within flashback narration confuses the story. I had to explain to our oldest the chronology of events for it to make sense.

As a physicist the bits at the beginning where they used modern art to try and explain how groundbreaking quantum mechanics was really pissed me off, but then I always was of the calculate, don't intuit school.

The bit where it succeeds is capturing Openheimer's conflicting personality, but it fails in showing the conflict between the scientists that wanted to share information as a means of de-escalation and the military and politicians that thought the arms race could be won. This was the nub of the conflict between Openheimer and Strauss.

Also, Teller in real life was even more of an arsëhole than in the movie.
I loved it....what did you think of Barbie ?
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