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Free travel is only for those who fought at Waterloo - nobody fought at Euston?


Perhaps one of our London or its outskirts members, can tell me if there is there some significance to Waterloo Station?
My first thought when reading this was, it was a bit of a bugger then if you were a veteran who arrived at Euston.

It the nearest major station to the cenotaph. And geographical it’s far easier to park on Westminster bridge and head south To Waterloo.


It the nearest major station to the cenotaph. And geographical it’s far easier to park on Westminster bridge and head south To Waterloo.

But isn't the distance to the the station from Westminster bridge about the same as from the bridge to the Cenotaph? If you’ve made it to the bridge you might as well just carry on. Also, those taxis seem to be heading towards the Cenotaph, not to the station, how close to the Cenotaph can they take their passengers?


Well-Known Member
It the nearest major station to the cenotaph. And geographical it’s far easier to park on Westminster bridge and head south To Waterloo.
Now if the taxis offered this service to all veterans arriving at all major terminus.........


The Onion has won the bidding war for all Infowars assets.

“The Onion is proud to acquire Infowars, and we look forward to continuing its storied tradition of scaring the site’s users with lies until they fork over their cold, hard cash,” said The Onion CEO Ben Collins. “Or Bitcoin. We will also accept Bitcoin.”

The purchase gives The Onion Infowars’ intellectual property, including its website, customer lists and inventory, certain social media accounts and the production equipment


Elder Goth
Backed by the families of Sandy Hook Elementary.

They'll never win the lawsuit, but making a conspiracy theorist f*ckwit look bad is always a good thing.



Always gods to see a celebrity spat. But.
Rod is playing a dangerous game here.
There are plenty of stories about his historic womanising.


It does sound like you can take the barrow boy out of the market, but you can’t take the market out of the barrow boy.

I suspect his actions were probably very common place in the places he worked in his formative years.

“Alright darlin’, you don’t get many of them to the pound”
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