In ye olden days generations of families from the East End for example, would turn up for skilled work such as hop, or fruit harvest, during the summer 'holidays'.
The skills would be passed down generation to generation.
That tradition has been broken now
And it's highly questionable that we would regard a working holiday, as fair recompense for low income families, who often work hard enough already, thanks very much..
On the bigger mechanised farms it would be highly inappropriate to have kids there..
But hey, it would make em grow up 'tough'
I mean, what's the odd lost limb to the already deprived..
Stuff and nonsense - elf and safety gawn mad..
At the more organic end of things we have schemes such as wwoof, and workaway.
Which can work out ok, sometimes, but also requires a fair amount of 'pastoral care' input..
You can end up having to parent the young fledglings of mainly middle class homes, imagining they're going to spend their time skipping about with wicker baskets daintily snipping herbs ...
Whilst waxing lyrical about the joys of 'being in harmony with nature'..
Until they discover that 'nature' in the form of fwuffy bunnies has eaten all those lettuces they spent hours planting out past week..
So I tend to have longer term trainee placements, who really want to learn the trade, and employed staff..
Makes it much easier when I need to b*gger off for a well earned holiday..
'Holidays' usually involving tromping through bogs , pedalling up hills, or hiking for weeks through moontins .
But each to their own eh..??