All, apart from me, didn't vote Tory and probably only 2 voted for Brexit.
Fair point.
I think one of the issues for anyone who voted Brexit was that it was fairy dust dressed up as a unicorn. An ephemeral ghost of an idea.
If we compare to the Scottish referendum, the scots had a clear choice:-
a) Remain part of the United Kingdom
b) Become a separate country with its own laws and government
A very concrete proposition.
With Brexit on the other hand, no one could define it. Every time a wrapper was removed, there was another wrapper.
The Conservative Government could very easily have turned round and said, "we want an arrangement like Norway" for example but they didn't. They just went down the road of magical thinking where we would have everything we want and the Eu would just roll over to have their belly tickled. It hasn't happened to the lack of surprise of anyone with an iota of sense.
every step, the EU has tried to be nice to us like we are an idiot child smearing shoot on the walls.
- EU: OK - we know you want to leave, but we could put a deal in place to ensure that all of your musicians can still tour
- UK: Nyah nyah poo bum willy - you smell
- EU: Look - would you like us to ease border checks to help you?
- EU: We could get rid of 80% of NI food checks would that help?
- UK: Thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhppppppppppppppp
Etc, etc, etc