OK, ok ... I now you're all playing a secret game, seeing who will crack first. DONT MENTION POPPIES.
WELL IVE CRACKED!!! Its Nov 11th, I can't not think about Armistice any longer (for one thing, I've had to plan Sunday morning's ride to a memorial - I can't pretend it isn't happening this year you know).
SO: my opening observation. I'm not seeing any poppies. Or poppy-shaming. Or news stories about enormous displays anywhere. The only person to mention a minute's silence at work was the ex-RAF guy, a proper war-crazed patriot. And he just listened to R4 on his headphones.
Did a quick survey at the site canteen this morning - full of manly men eating huge cooked breakfasts. Plus some staff, and a few suits doing suit things.
I saw two poppies in 20-25 people. Maybe a few were wearing tiny subtle metal brooch things, dunno. I can't recall seeing ANY for sale this week.
What's occurring? Was 2021 peak poppy year?
I’m probably one of your statistics. I’ve bought poppies this year but working from home and only having time for dog walking between bouts of toiling for the man mean I keep forgetting* to actually pin them to my clothes.
I shall of course be wearing one on my uniform at the weekend.
* I am aware of the irony of that sorry admission.