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How are gbnews, the mail and the telegraph spinning it?

I don't know. You'll have to go and look yourself. I've already showered today


And more importantly, how's Braverman going to spin it?

Is it not obvious?

She will blame both the peace protestors and also the police for allowing the march despite her warnings. But it is she who sent out the dogwhistle for the far-right to attend.

If it wasn't the case that Labour were so far ahead in the polls this would make me feel quite uncomfortable.


Having looked at the BBC and the graun, they both seem to be concentrating on the peace march and the police operation around it. I imagine the others will just ignore the far right antics as well, but I will leave it to braver souls to check.

As usual, Braverman got the wrong end of the stick, and it is again clear that far right actions are much more lightly policed than anyone else's.


She didn't get

...this is deliberate. She invited it.

I know, it was a figure of speech. What I wanted to highlight is that, contrary to freeze peach proponents claims, policing of far right events is much more permissive than at any other events.


I know, it was a figure of speech. What I wanted to highlight is that, contrary to freeze peach proponents claims, policing of far right events is much more permissive than at any other events.

And indeed media coverage. There's no reporting of these events on the BBC, whereas the coverage of the peace march, which hasn't even started, is centered on how the police would deal with potential trouble.


I know, it was a figure of speech. What I wanted to highlight is that, contrary to freeze peach proponents claims, policing of far right events is much more permissive than at any other events.

I'm not sure that is true.

The Police are stuck right in the middle of this. I've just heard from a friend of mine who is there now. I haven't asked, but I'd guess that they are there, in large part, to prevent the far-right from reaching the peace march.


Tory mouthpiece to the graun

“Suella Braverman wanted the police to have the right to instantly arrest any far-right protester disrupting Armistice Day. Over the last few days, there has been a huge row in which her view that these protests risked leading to serious disorder was derided,”

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength



Senior Member
CLEARLY the pro-palestinian protest has become a problems as there have been bottle and other "missiles" thrown at Police
and - at last count - 82 people arrested

CLEARLY the fault of the Palestinians

I know this as it is CLEARLY reported in the SUN - I have actually read the WHOLE HEADLINE


Eighty-two protesters arrested after mob hurls missiles at cops in Cenotaph chaos as pro-Palestinian march begins​

Funny thing is that I am also watching the BBC and have looked at several other newspaper website - sorry - several newspaper websites - which all seem to say specifically that ALL the problems and ALL the arrests are not from the pro-Palestinian protest
But are from a far-right counter protest

and the Cenotaph and the 2 minute silence have not been affected

but there you are
Th Guardian
The Independent
(OK - that list kinda shows by bias)

are all giving the wrong impression as we can clearly rely on the sun to give us the right way to think
just like they did in 1989
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