Prince Andrew

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Make that two abusive old codgers: the anti-monarchist mother of a friend of mine and retired head-teacher was similarly dismissive about receiving a letter from Liz the Second.

If we are keeping count, my retired ex-police drinking pal has met Liz2 on three occasions, had nice little chats with her. He thinks the monarchy is fab. I think they should get a proper job. So what?

All uphill

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the Queen never had the opportunity to meet me.

I'm sure she was a fan, nevertheless.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

I never met the queen and to the best of my recollection have only met one person who had.

At the time I was working for what is now the DWP where I was doing home visits. This particular visit was a 'centenarian visit', the purpose of which was to confirm that the person concerned was alive, well, going to be 100 (or 105+) and able to appreciate getting a birthday greeting from her maj.
This was to avoid any embarrassment to the palace, any such embarrassment to my good self in asking such questions apparently not being worthy of consideration.

Normally the biggest problem with these visits was diplomatically explaining to forelock tugging coffin dodgers that the queen was not omniscient, and someone had to tell her staff when to send the birthday card which she herself would never have been near or far less have personally signed.

On this occasion the impending centenarian was sharp as a tack and still lived alone, with only a little help from a great-niece.
She told me in no uncertain terms that she didn't want a telegram and wanted nothing to do with the queen.

I said this was fair enough, but as I might get a hard time about it could she tell me why?

She explained that she had met the queen once due to involvement with local charitable organisations.
She had been instructed in advance on how to curtsey when meeting the royal personage.
But what threw her was the queen not even looking at her, and despite her wearing white gloves had barely touched her hand and treated her 'as if she was a piece of dirt.'

She said that until this happened she was a fan of the royals but afterwards wanted nothing to do with them.

I duly filed my report. I had to field calls from the office manager, the district manager, the lord lieutenant of Berwickshire et al all demanding to know why this woman wasn't going to get a telegram.

She phoned me four days before her birthday to tell me that the pressure from her family and others was unbearable, so please just get the bloody thing sent to her anyway.

She phoned me again a month later to apologise for the bother that she'd caused and to say that she had got the card, but after the fuss had died down had chucked it in the bin.

Tempting to say 'cool story bro', but let's assume there's a grain of truth in it.

Elderly woman not keen on the monarchy.

Big, deal, so what, etc.

Had she tied herself naked to the railings of Buck House, there might be some interest.

But declining a birthday card?

She didn't even see that through, but no doubt the very foundations of the monarchy shook when she threw the card into the bin.


Had she tied herself naked to the railings of Buck House, there might be some interest.

But declining a birthday card?

She didn't even see that through, but no doubt the very foundations of the monarchy shook when she threw the card into the bin.

Indeed. A noble sacrifice, refusing that card:
but a truly impressive protest would have been to veto reaching her own 100th birthday.
To be associated with one millionaire paedophile may be regarded as misfortune. A second looks like carelessness. What does three say?

Prince Andrew, who was tragically afflicted with anhidrosis (inability to sweat) following a terrifying experience in the Falklands in which he pretended to put himself in harm’s way to look like a patriot, has miraculously been cured of his awful condition.

Anhidrosis had caused Andrew terrible problems such as removing his need for deodorant and proving he could not possibly have raped a teenage girl, but thankfully, he now needs to use Sure for Men like any other law abiding prince.

Prince Andrew’s miracle cure came when a US court announced that documents naming Jeffrey Epstein’s associates would be published in the new year and he inexplicably soiled himself on the spot.

Despite his embarrassing potty malfunction, Andrew is obviously delighted that we are finally getting closer to the truth. We might even see some of Epstein’s associates prosecuted, but Andrew surely has nothing to fear because he was once in a Pizza Express in Woking. Fingers crossed.

While Andrew disproved Virginia Giuffre’s accusations with a kind donation of £13 million, another woman Andrew has never met called Johanna Sjoberg has accused him of groping her, and sadly, his mother is no longer around to pay her off. This is probably the reason Andrew keeps sweating like Michael Gove around a sniffer dog.

Andrew is relieved to hear his best friend Jeffrey can’t be prosecuted because he is spending his afterlife on a tropical island and his death certificate has given him immunity from prosecution. If worst comes to worst, Andrew can always fake his own death and reunite with his best friend, but this would upset millions of royalists in the United Kingdom and across the British Empire.

Although everyone who raped child sex slaves in Epstein’s mansion could be in trouble, Prince Andrew should not be prosecuted because he inherited magic blood from his mother, which is supposed to protect him from the law.

While Andrew’s friends don’t share his magic blood, fortunately they do have deep pockets and close contacts within the deep state. It is understood many of the guilty are in negotiations to buy their victims ski chalets in Switzerland in exchange for their silence.

You will be reassured to hear the CIA has its suiciding team on standby just in case anyone famous needs to be rescued from prison, and the people who operate the security cameras are ready to switch them off while the suspect is disappeared in totally legit circumstances like the late Jean-Luc Brunel. RIP x
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