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Rusty Nails

Country Member
I see the origin of the saying "happy as a pig in sh*t" now. :okay::laugh:
The security services focus on threats as presented to them.

So do the police actually, which is why you won't hear them saying that they devote extra resources to policing Muslim CSE, because that group is underrepresented in CSE stats. Sure there are differences in the nature of CSE as committed by various groups, but it's all CSE.
The elephant in the room is that muslims as a group is a bit to big, as there are muslims that are victim of the same extremist and off course there are those who think the uk should turn in a sharia controlled iran like country.

There's plenty of discussion about 'Muslim rape gangs' out there on the Internet. Mostly far right groups, but if the cap fits.
no that are those looking for a stick to hit with, that is not a discussion
A 'discussion' here will make no difference at all to the victims. But punting an anti-muslim agenda using this as a stick with which to beat all Muslims will affect many.
I think many victims would be happy to know that their children wouldn't be put in the same situation as authorities would be pressured to act differently from a active ''discussion'' and or social outrage.
The thing about you is that the concerns you air on here align with your personal socio-political views and certainly isn't based on a concern for victims. You claim to care about women's rights and abuse against women...but weirdly only if committed by trans women. Here, you are claiming to care about female rape victims...but only those raped by Muslims.
The thing about you is that you have no place on discussion forums you can go along fine if most people agree with you but as soon as someone has better arguments then you or just is much smarter(which isn't that hard) you start stalking them and harass them, you can try to deny it but everyone can clearly see it.


Senior Member
If he did it because he is ill, and you cure him, then you must surely forgive him.

If he is just ill then yes to a point

but the judge seemed to say that he wasn't

and if he is ill then you have to be able to guarantee he won't get ill again - and taking a tablet every morning isn;t good enough


If he is just ill then yes to a point
but the judge seemed to say that he wasn't
That's because his defence barrister entered no defence, produced no psychiatric evidence and gave no argument that his client was mentally ill. I would not be surprised if he is sectioned at some point and transferred to Broadmoor or similar.


That's because his defence barrister entered no defence, produced no psychiatric evidence and gave no argument that his client was mentally ill. I would not be surprised if he is sectioned at some point and transferred to Broadmoor or similar.

He will have undergone all those tests, so we can assume that the experts were unable to find any evidence of mental issues.


He will have undergone all those tests, so we can assume that the experts were unable to find any evidence of mental issues.

I don't think he did. It was reported that he refused to comply or work with his defence barrister or any experts and in the absence of self-harm or further attempts to attack anyone they may have been unable to go any further in terms of diagnosis.


Senior Member
He will have undergone all those tests, so we can assume that the experts were unable to find any evidence of mental issues.

I seem to think I have heard that a prisoner who has not yet been convicted can refused to be expamined - or just refused to co-operate by answering questions etc

Hence no real diagnosis is possible

But after they have been convicted then their right change
so further examination is possible in some ways

I think I have heard of someone clearly being deranged but could not be sent to Broadmoor (etc) but when convicted they rushed him through diagnosis and he went direct to Broadmoor

I think - I could be wrong


I seem to think I have heard that a prisoner who has not yet been convicted can refused to be expamined - or just refused to co-operate by answering questions etc
Hence no real diagnosis is possible
Yep, and you can't section someone under the Mental Health Act unless you can certify that they need to be sectioned. This is usually because they represent a danger to themselves or others and are unable to reason.
I think I have heard of someone clearly being deranged but could not be sent to Broadmoor (etc) but when convicted they rushed him through diagnosis and he went direct to Broadmoor
In order to section a prisoner they must have been determined to have a mental disorder after examination by two doctors. If found guilty a prisoner can be sectioned under section 37 and if you are a risk to the public you can be sectioned under section 41 which means MOJ have to sanction any leave. Section 47 also allows for transfer from prison to hospital with possible section 49 where your admission or discharge is controlled by the Secretary of State for Justice.

The key thing is that two doctors have to diagnose a mental disorder. If the prisoner is calm, coherent and doesn't appear to be a danger to themselves or others, there probably isn't enough to diagnose a mental disorder no matter how abhorrent the crime is.


Über Member
Any word on that Ricky Jones guy who wanted protestors’ throats cut?

Last I saw on BBC (back in September) his trial was set for last month but there’s nothing in the news.
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