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Can you provide a link to any such case?

Sex offender caught with one million child abuse images Sept 2024.

Rapist escapes jail sentence, August 2024.

Here you go. The Sun has saved you the effort of goggling by listing 30 recent cases.

I don't doubt that these non custodial sentences are allowed under guidelines.

Who? And Edwards did get a prison sentence, which you seem to be ignoring. It's just not clear yet if it will be enforced.
He got a suspended sentence with no jail time whatsoever.

No, they haven't, not among the Farage riot charges yet.
I wasn't talking about riot charges. I was talking about other cases where individuals have called for other individuals to be assaulted, killed, raped etc. and who have received lighter punishments.

Yes, you can: don't post it and no-one will read it; or post it and thousands upon thousands might read it. All the fascists still using that site must know that when they post and behave accordingly.

Must they? People often post on social media in the heat of the moment. They should assume a million people will read it? Do you honestly think this stupid woman, posting crap in the heat of the moment after 3 little girls were stabbed to death, is a fascist?

I'd rather social media had better moderating and jumped in to delete comments like hers quickly.


Must they? People often post on social media in the heat of the moment. They should assume a million people will read it? Do you honestly think this stupid woman, posting crap in the heat of the moment after 3 little girls were stabbed to death, is a fascist?

Yes. She has a history of sh!t posting fascist stuff.

There are idiots on the internet who believe they have the right to say anything they like without consequence. One good thing to come out of the whole recent debacle is that more people now understand that this is wrong. That one good thing came at too terrible a price - if only we could roll back time.
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Well-Known Member
Sex offender caught with one million child abuse images Sept 2024.

Ahh yes, a person dealt with in a foreign legal jurisdiction with different laws and different sentencing guideline, so that is not comparable unless you want to compare this woman's case with those in Iran hung for disturbances

Ay yes, a case where the criminal was a 14 year old at the time of the offending. As you are well aware there are very different sentencing guidelines for 14 years olds than for adults and also, the sentencing was 19 years after the offending

At this point, I gave up as the links are not in anyway comparable or supportive of the discussion. Even the 1st case in Scotland, the person was convicted of possession of 355000 photos, not the 1 million you claim

Did you check out the 30 The Sun compiled?
At this point, I gave up as the links are not in anyway comparable or supportive of the discussion. Even the 1st case in Scotland, the person was convicted of possession of 355000 photos, not the 1 million you claim

It's literally in the headline. It doesn't mention 355k images - 370k images were what he was previously convicted of possessing in 2021.
The police gave up grading the images with 1.5 million left because there were so many. Not quite sure why you think 355,0000 graded images is much better though.

Another one this week.

Even if 'no jail time' is within sentencing possibilities, you can surely see how excessive deterrent sentencing undermines public confidence.

I can't help thinking that if she wasn't the middle aged wife of a Tory councillor sh#t posting on social media but was from a different demographic there would be less revelling in the harshness of it.


Well-Known Member
Did you check out the 30 The Sun compiled?

It's literally in the headline. It doesn't mention 355k images - 370k images were what he was previously convicted of possessing in 2021.
The police gave up grading the images with 1.5 million left because there were so many. Not quite sure why you think 355,0000 graded images is much better though..

The headline is made up by newspaper.

The criminal pleaded guilty to 355,000 images and only 355,000. That is what he was dealt with for.

Rather a significant difference to your claim of 1 million.

The headlines are not the facts of the case

But please don't let facts get in the way

You I notice ignore the fact that your comparable case is in a different legal jurisdiction with different sentencing guidelines.

Rather a significant difference

I can't help thinking that if she wasn't the middle aged wife of a Tory councillor sh#t posting on social media but was from a different demographic there would be less revelling in the harshness of it.

You can think what you like, but the basic fact is the sentence was in accordance with the sentencing guidelines that have been in place for some considerable time


Well-Known Member
The Judge's sentencing remarks have been published on line:

They set out what was alleged to be posted and for how long together with details of other similar tweets.

He goes through the history including he pleading guilty early but not at the first opportunity and measures her offending against the guideleines before pronouncing sentence.

If she, or those advising her, think it's too long she can appeal.

I don't understand the point about the guidelines and Whataboutery.

However giving details of other cases where John Doe or whover got off and saying 'what about John Doe' is Whatboutery defined!!

Those sentencing remarks make it very clear exactly why the sentence passed was what it was.

Some people will ignore this because it contradicts their argument


Active Member
I wasn't talking about riot charges. I was talking about other cases where individuals have called for other individuals to be assaulted, killed, raped etc. and who have received lighter punishments.
In a less severe context than during the period of the Farage Riots. If you shout "fire" in an empty theatre, it'll be treated less harshly than if you shout into a room of already panicky people. Context matters.

Must they? People often post on social media in the heat of the moment. They should assume a million people will read it? Do you honestly think this stupid woman, posting crap in the heat of the moment after 3 little girls were stabbed to death, is a fascist?
Yes, yes and yes.

Never post anything on the internet unless you want it linked to your name for all time. And that, folks, is why I'll never be elected to high office! And even in my drug-addled era, I never suggested killing anyone.


Here is the little fascist Elon Musk pretending that the UK has a problem with censorship and is releasing paedophiles from prison to make way for people posting on Facebook.

The UK had already made the decision to release some prisoners on licence to tackle the overcrowding problem that they inherited. At a later date to those releases, Lucy Connolly pleaded guilty to incitement charges.

Musk views these charges as censorship, and then reports that the posts were on Facebook rather than X where the offending posts were made.

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I've never said they weren't within the sentencing guidelines - whether for incitement or csa imagery - only that excessively harsh deterrent sentences or lenient ones for paedophiles and others undermine public confidence in the system.


I've never said they weren't within the sentencing guidelines - whether for incitement or csa imagery - only that excessively harsh deterrent sentences or lenient ones for paedophiles and others undermine public confidence in the system.

This sounds like an early step on the road to populism.
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