Über Member
I blocked @theclaud & @Julia9054 because of their views on chocolate hobnobs!Why not just admit that you cannot name anyone who has said they have blocked people because they disagreed with them

I blocked @theclaud & @Julia9054 because of their views on chocolate hobnobs!Why not just admit that you cannot name anyone who has said they have blocked people because they disagreed with them
Which were what exactly, in case we need to block them?
He's spot on. A mediocre biscuit.
As a connoisseur of biscuits in all their forms, I've never liked hobnobs. They are gritty, over sweet and completely overrated.
Down with this sort of thing, almost as bad as people that snap spaghetti up before cooking it.
*Clicks Show content*I'm the opposite of that - I buy proper half-metre long spaghetti when I can get it. Hobnobs are still shite tho.
1. It really is hard work with you isn't it?
2. That is exactly my point. Someone is accused of 'trolling' and put on ignore. So the blocker does not have to say 'I disagree with you, I am putting you on ignore'. They can say 'You are trolling, I am putting you on ignore' and the crowd all agree.
3. I have no-one on ignore, do you?
Bastards the pair of them.
Because it is the melting pot of life.