Look like more cod sociological sub-CSE level bullshit to me.
Out of interest, would my state grammar school qualify?
We had a strict uniform policy, including a ban on platform shoes which were fashionable at the time.
It was mandatory to wear the school cap when leaving the premises, and we had to walk across the large front yard, not run.
As regards the education, most teachers wore gowns, and it was very much 'talk and chalk'.
We also had corporal punishment, and a system of prefects who were able to discipline other pupils by giving them general orders or lines.
The result of all this is I rarely come across anyone who has a superior grasp of grammar and basic arithmetic to my own.
There are those who can all but match me, but I've never been embarrassed by my written English or my ability to do sums.
Unlike a lot of the younger and some of the older ones who, judging by their posts on social media and documents they've prepared for work, are semi-literate and barely numerate.