Newsnight last night was very interested as their "panel" included Dame Wendy Hall who was co-Chair of the UK government's AI Review and a Professor of Computer Science, etc - so maybe has better appreciation of AI than eg Starmer. And she was pointing out "yes ... but" eg AIs need to be trained and that takes time and knowedlgeable people (the Gov. don't employ at the moment). And currently these AIs need careful monitoring as they do make mistakes and taking over Government responsibilities is a different level from general ChatGPT online silliness. ie you can't just clone ChatGPT and us that - a lot lot more involved.Capable of what is a question yet unanswered. So far, we have a plan to replace the 'flabby state' with something amorphous called 'AI'.
Staff, time, investment, etc. so she wasn't against the idea but talking about years ahead.
And on the radio thismorning (BBC R4) some Gov. minster talking about the work AI could do and all he was really listing is people submitting forms online rather than using paper and post - nothing to do with AI atall which made me really wonder how many in Government actually understand the difference between web/ and AI.
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