Swearing and/or offensive language

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Totally agree with you on the swearing around children thing. I've never understood that.

Although I suppose that raises a different point - they're going to hear profanity at some point. Where's it best to come from? Parents, friends, TV? Tough call.

I may have inadvertently taught my kid some swear words although it is quite cute hearing a 3yo say 'for fark's sake'.

Mind you, I also taught him to reply 'Hammer time' any time anyone says 'stop'. It's difficult to tell which one his mother was more annoyed by.


Well-Known Member
Pertinent topic, I like it!

I agree with your comment about genitals and language. But personally I've never linked the words to the genitals. They are just words to me.

Language for me, is an ever evolving, beautiful and wonderful creature. Limiting it is unnecessary I think. And narrow minded.

So you are happy for people to use the N word or other similar words like c**n, w*g etc?

Limiting does have a place in society


Elder Goth
I may have inadvertently taught my kid some swear words although it is quite cute hearing a 3yo say 'for fark's sake'.

Mind you, I also taught him to reply 'Hammer time' any time anyone says 'stop'. It's difficult to tell which one his mother was more annoyed by.

It's got to be the hammer time thing. That would drive me wild. I mean it's funny as f*ck, but I'd be raging every time as well.


Elder Goth
So you are happy for people to use the N word or other similar words like c**n, w*g etc?

Limiting does have a place in society

Yeah, I am.

It's all about the context of usage for me.

For example, if I'm listening to a Geto Boys song, I'll sing along and use all the words. That doesn't mean I'm about to racially abuse someone for no reason.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone say or use c**n or w*g.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
Yeah, I am.

It's all about the context of usage for me.

For example, if I'm listening to a Geto Boys song, I'll sing along and use all the words. That doesn't mean I'm about to racially abuse someone for no reason.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone say or use c**n or w*g.

never listened to the radio edit versions of those songs then.....always go for the full on adult version, that does come with a warning label on it.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
I meant his manipulation of language...

we know what you mean.......


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
It's got to be the hammer time thing. That would drive me wild. I mean it's funny as f*ck, but I'd be raging every time as well.

He only did it for about an afternoon but it was brilliant.


Elder Goth
never listened to the radio edit versions of those songs then.....always go for the full on adult version, that does come with a warning label on it.

I really don't know what you mean here. I doubt you've ever heard a Geto Boys song in your life in any case.
Every word is 'just a word', but we all know that many words come with baggage. The C word has been used towards women for centuries as a derogatory term. It's a misogynistic slur. I don't think normalising it's wider use in everyday language makes that baggage disappear anymore than normalising use of the N word does.

If they are only just words then why say 'feck' or 'fark' around your kids? Just use the real swear word. Just call them fecking little c*nts when they misbehave rather than naughty children. We don't though, because we all know swearing isn't big or clever.

I swear a bit in real life, including the f word. But only around close friends and when I'm cross about something. I'm trying to swear less, but it does become a habit. I wouldn't swear in front of strangers, kids, or write it to people on the Internet. Language matters and some words aren't 'just words'.
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