The NACA Music, Art & General Creativity Thread

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Elder Goth
A friend who studied at the Slade told me Quentin Crisp was a life model there. He'd assume a crucifixion pose in a sort of come-hither way.

That's very cool!

Michelle was a student, rather than a model. She wasn't much good at drawing, and she likes her tea very weak.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Just to follow up on this, we're 3 weeks in now, and I'll be part of a live showcase performance next Thursday evening.

I've finally settled on what my set is going to be about having gone from "My good lady claims to be a gore whore", to "I met the guy who gave Kurt Cobain his shotgun", via "I inadvertently took a life drawing class with Michelle Pfeiffer" and "I failed high school art" to end up at "My mum somehow didn't realise I am queer". All of these things are true, and I think funny in different ways, although the shotgun thing is way to dark for a first crack at this thing.

It's going to be filmed, and if it isn't a total disaster I'll post it up here. Hell, even if it is awful I will anyway.

And in other creative news, I'm applying to do a masters in graphic design today. Well, I'm having a chat with someone to see if they'll let me have a go at it, which I hope they will.

Good luck with both !


Elder Goth
All went well last night, video yet to be available, but here's a wonderful picture of me rambling about Oscar Wilde.

Bonus points if you recognise the band shirt I'm wearing!



Well-Known Member

I don't know how the Didcot towers went, but those at Fiddlers Ferry departed with a prolonged rumble.

Deleted member 49

Was looking through some of a girlfriends old Suffragette postcards recently,this one stood out ! Partner is obsessed with Witches/woman but thought this card stood out for the sheer horror of it.
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