The NACA Music, Art & General Creativity Thread

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Ian H

Older movies weren't afraid to leave space. In a similar vein, one of the most useful things I learned at drama school was that you can take your time on stage. There is a tendency to want to get all of the words out, but anything you think is normal speed is usually considerably faster - it's just your adrenalin playing tricks. Never be frightened of a


One of my favourite documentaries: a spacious Arena programme from the 70s about three drunken Irishmen (and other walk-on parts).


Mr Celine

Well-Known Member


Cutting the first squeaky green savoy is a sure sign of the seasons change. 💚

And youngest younglings' hand drawn b'day card - which never gets old - even once they're technically 'grown ups' themselves.


I did resist the urge to enquire

"What on earth you been doing with that poor fork?!?!"

Aand further delights from up Glasgow way..

Looking forward to this tomorrow. 🙏🏼

Ian H

Cutting the first squeaky green savoy is a sure sign of the seasons change. 💚
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And youngest younglings' hand drawn b'day card - which never gets old - even once they're technically 'grown ups' themselves.

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I did resist the urge to enquire

"What on earth you been doing with that poor fork?!?!"

Aand further delights from up Glasgow way..

Looking forward to this tomorrow. 🙏🏼

E's insistence on experimenting with saved seed meant that not all our brassicas turned out quite as expected (nor indeed some other plants). The scientist and the gardener in her are not always in complete harmony.


E's insistence on experimenting with saved seed meant that not all our brassicas turned out quite as expected (nor indeed some other plants). The scientist and the gardener in her are not always in complete harmony.

Well plant breeding / seed saving is an art all by itself right??

(Open pollinated) brassicas happily interbreed and create new variants.

I save a few things such as non hybrid tomatoes, some types of beans, and agretti, and let other stuff self seed.
But oth I prefer to leave that kind of thing up to the experts, so that I know I'll have marketable produce.

Ofc if it's only for yourselves you can have all kinds of seedy fun. 💜🌈💚

Couldn't resist a raddichio solely for mine own lunch.
Not quite enough ready to share with a wider audience just yet.



Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Just got tickets to go and see Dr Phil Hammond. Should be an interesting evening.

We went to see him a few years ago. Probably the majority there were NHS staff (I was there with colleagues) so he was playing to the crowd in a sense, but it was interesting and funny with some serious messaging mainly about wellbeing and self care. He was out chatting and mingling before the show, as you might expect. It was a good night.

Ian H

Down to the Phoenix for a film (Dance First - well worth seeing). We emerged from the cinema to an unexpected riot of noise, fancy dress and dancing. Young folk dressed in weird & wonderful costumes. As we walked down the street more were arriving - two dressed as glowing white phalluses. We would have stayed but felt a little underdressed.
Sorry no pics.


Elder Goth
Last night I went to my first comedy writing workshop, which is specifically for people who identify as LGBTQIA+ hence I figured I'd put it here.

It started last week and I got as far as the front door before chickening out, but I'm glad I made the effort and went last night. I'm not really one for "safe" spaces (I know, I know, terrible queer) but it was comfortable being in a small room of likeminded folk who were just free to speak as they wished, no pressure, just a decent bunch of folks who want to work on being funny in front of strangers.

Had a really enjoyable time and I'm thinking that this is something I could actually be really good at. I've toyed with it in the past, but never committed to actually learning how to construct a set/sketch properly, beyond a few vaguely successful efforts helping other people out.

Brief intro chat round the six of us, followed by a discussion about what constitutes stand up and what we like comedy wise.

After that we had to tell the group a surprising fact about ourselves, didn't have to be funny necessarily, it was more about building confidence speaking and considering what jumping off points could be. I had a couple: I nearly captained the US U16 hockey team and unwittingly took a life drawing class with Michelle Pfeiffer (no, she wasn't a model).

Finally an exercise where we were split into groups, had to pick the same story from our lives and then all 3 of us tell that story for the others to guess who was telling the truth (if you know the bit in Would I Lie to You, you'll know what I mean). I was quite pleased to "win" that, especially as it was my story chosen to riff off: my sister was almost 90% deaf until she was 10 years old, she's now a professional musician with various orchestras around the world.

My notes, such as they are:

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Just to follow up on this, we're 3 weeks in now, and I'll be part of a live showcase performance next Thursday evening.

I've finally settled on what my set is going to be about having gone from "My good lady claims to be a gore whore", to "I met the guy who gave Kurt Cobain his shotgun", via "I inadvertently took a life drawing class with Michelle Pfeiffer" and "I failed high school art" to end up at "My mum somehow didn't realise I am queer". All of these things are true, and I think funny in different ways, although the shotgun thing is way to dark for a first crack at this thing.

It's going to be filmed, and if it isn't a total disaster I'll post it up here. Hell, even if it is awful I will anyway.

And in other creative news, I'm applying to do a masters in graphic design today. Well, I'm having a chat with someone to see if they'll let me have a go at it, which I hope they will.
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