Sorry to disappoint, but, no, I don't know perfectly well what you are saying, or, indeed what most others on here are saying. It is all very well for us to make statements about "equality", "the poor", "the wealthy" etc etc, but, I suspect we all have slightly (or even not so slightly) different views on what we mean by these terms.
A couple of little examples, these both happened during an extended family discussion on how "the Government should make life more fair":
1. Everyone agreed that "ordinary people" (not said, but, implied, like themselves) should pay less in taxes, and, "the rich" (you know, those "other people") should pay more.
2. One brother-in-law (who had worked his whole life (age 15 - 65, in lower paid shipyard and factory jobs, now retired on State Pension). His wife has not had a career, since they married and had a family, now drawing State Pension. Living in a Council House. He was of the opinion that no-one should earn more than £40,000pa, since that (and I quote), "was enough for anyone".
3. A sister-in-law ( a lifetime lower ranking Civil Servant, Clerical Officer, now retired with State Pension and Civil Service Pension. Husband now retired, with State Pension, and a couple of "works pensions" from previous employers, during his working life, he was a skilled Mechanical Engineer, working in a factory. Living in their own home, no mortgage. Also, they had two properties (mortgage free), which they rent out. No way did sister-in-law see herself as "better off", she was most definitely "poor", or, at worst "ordinary".
Whilst all could agree that Bill Gates or (say) a Premier League Footballer were "rich", when it came down to drawing a few lines, to begin the "progressive taxation" then, it all became very murky, because, everyone thought, the line should start above them.
Now, perhaps, I have a greedy, self-centred extended family (they are mostly -in-laws, so, could be

), or, perhaps, getting consensus on all of this "equality" might not be quite as straight forward as us uttering a few sound bites on CC forum.