The push for a Natzional Trust....

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Ian H

Legendary Member
The hard right are rising-up to take over the National Trust. I struggle to understand what makes the likes of 'Restore Trust' so angy and backward looking?
As a nation we really have lost the plot....

For the first time ever I have voted.


The hard right are rising-up to take over the National Trust. I struggle to understand what makes the likes of 'Restore Trust' so angy and backward looking?
As a nation we really have lost the plot....

What are they so terrified of.?

A bit of tree planting ?

Although I'm a total advocate of the right tree in the right place and proper aftercare..
Which doesn't always happen.

Support for marginalised groups?

Truth telling about the history of how the upper classes actually enriched themselves?

Yeah, I can see how those second two could be uncomfortable ideas for some folk 🤔
Whatever you think of their policies the group seems to consist of a black woman, two Asian blokes, and some rich old white geezers. They seem very inclusive for the Nazi hard Right.

And, shock horror, they've been putting leaflets on cars outside NT tea rooms.

Why would the National Trust be spending money participating in Pride marches? Do gay people not feel they are allowed to trudge round stately homes and pay £6 for a scone?

As usual the truth will be somewhere in between. The NT won't be going scandalously woke, but simply changing its exhibits to better reflect UK history. And the group accused in the article are mostly wanting the NT to stick to its original remit.

As the NT seems to have mostly been run by white blokes you'd think they'd welcome ethnic minorities showing interest. Wrong sort of black/Asian people again perhaps.

the snail

Active Member
For the first time ever I have voted.

I'm wishing I had now
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

I've been called worse. I keep forgetting that a prerequisite of NACA is to concede that almost everybody is a member of the Nazi far Right. It would be easier to say who isn't.

Yes, you're right, it's a storm in a tea-cake, or maybe it's the thin edge of an unpleasant Victoria Sponge slice.
After all, how we laughed at Farage.
You see this is how things start. Anti Woke/Culture wars is somehow acceptable right-wing media-speak for aa raft of battles of oppression. And it's interesting how these groups with their disparate nutjob leaders seem to find money to control the media to their favour. And how it's always backward looking, done under the polite guise of 'defending the old ways' and simply can't face-up to the fact that their history and world-view might just be either plain wrong or shifting under their feet. So they like to cling-on with relentless zeal to some backward looking halcyon ideal of little engerlund uber alles, and fight tooth and nail as a vocal minority to defend it.
We certainly don't want our great institutions to be spending money encouraging gayers and 'others' to join-in who might not share our ridgid ideologies, or challenge our thinking, nor for that matter encourage namby-pamby enviro-self-gratification artists to tell-us how we should be looking after capability Brown's legacy or the coastlines of Bwitain.
These days it's a short walk from taking back control to deportation flights to Rwanda.

First they came for the communists....
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Ian H

Legendary Member
Whatever you think of their policies the group seems to consist of a black woman, two Asian blokes, and some rich old white geezers. They seem very inclusive for the Nazi hard Right.

And, shock horror, they've been putting leaflets on cars outside NT tea rooms.

Why would the National Trust be spending money participating in Pride marches? Do gay people not feel they are allowed to trudge round stately homes and pay £6 for a scone?

As usual the truth will be somewhere in between. The NT won't be going scandalously woke, but simply changing its exhibits to better reflect UK history. And the group accused in the article are mostly wanting the NT to stick to its original remit.

As the NT seems to have mostly been run by white blokes you'd think they'd welcome ethnic minorities showing interest. Wrong sort of black/Asian people again perhaps.

I believe the NT is opposed to their ideas, nothing to do with their ethnic origins, and the board of trustees appears to have a certain amount of gender and ethnic diversity.


I've been called worse. I keep forgetting that a prerequisite of NACA is to concede that almost everybody is a member of the Nazi far Right. It would be easier to say who isn't.

LIfe is a lot easier if you sort everyone into Gammons or Woke-rati Tree-huggers; it's much harder to be sarcastic about the middle ground, for one thing :sad:
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