The Queen / The Monarchy

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Thank you, she's lovely and tolerates my bicycle nonsense which is wonderful.

Good -
- I'm not sure whether I dare ask what sort of 'bicycle nonsense' is expected to be tolerated..

But anyway, from my experience of longstanding relationships, tolerance is very much key..
Give and take, etc etc.

And 'perfection' (whatever that is) is very much the enemy of 'Perfectly Good Enough'

My take on it is that if I can tolerate X amount of what might seem to be 'less than perfect' or even 'nonsensical' behaviours then I can get away with performing roughly same amount of same..

And I do try to fill my quota ... 🙄

I know this might sound a bit 'transactional' but it's mostly worked thus far...


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I'm going to random a guess at 5'7' and a half.

Dunno why - just a hunch 👀

Nope, there are plenty of other factors involved.

Mostly born of ignorance, poor socialisation, and a dearth of exposure to other cultures.

Plus ofc some folks just seem to revel in their own prejudices, enjoy the supposed 'shock' value, of their utterings, no matter how bellendish it makes them appear.

And also rather sadly, some people, despite espousing anti discrimination sentiment for themselves, will tacitly encourage the bigotry of others by implied approval of their statements. ;)

Funny old world innit??

Indeed it is a funny old world, made infinitely better by a dose of tolerance, IMHO ;)
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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Can we get a clarification here, on just how tall one must be, in order that the lampooning of the stature of others becomes acceptable.??

Is there some kind of formula / ratio that I've missed?

If I'm over 3" taller than the average British woman
(according to this

Do I get to make fun of Shep's relative lack of loftiness by a factor of say five .??

Or is it an exponential increase in funnies contingent upon a secondary consideration of width ways measurements as well. ??

Please advise 🙏🏼

Since you ask, and, it can, of course be only my opinion, but, lampooning of the physical (or mental) characteristics of other can never be acceptable, can it?, on the other hand, lampooning of Politicians is always acceptable, no matter their affiliation.


Legendary Member
Since you ask, and, it can, of course be only my opinion, but, lampooning of the physical (or mental) characteristics of other can never be acceptable, can it?,
Interesting question. I think it can but under certain conditions. For example, paralympians often make jokes about disability as do the Last Leg gang. It's a bit like when Reginald D Hunter got "cancelled" for using the N word during a comedy routine for the FA. Context is important.


Interesting question. I think it can but under certain conditions. For example, paralympians often make jokes about disability as do the Last Leg gang. It's a bit like when Reginald D Hunter got "cancelled" for using the N word during a comedy routine for the FA. Context is important.
Of course, context is key, but some people pretend not to understand that.

It's fairly simple if you're 'punching' upwards, it's satire.

Downwards it's bullying.

Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia ableism etc are very uncool, and unfunny.

Making jokes about yourself, and your own identity group - not usually a problem.
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