The Queen / The Monarchy

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Deleted member 28

Diplomatic protocol is just another thing of which you are unaware. What did you think foreign governments would say, "Good, we are glad she is dead"?

One of the tropes rolled out after her death was along the lines of " all the things she has done for the nation", and yet, when I took a break from the hysterical and mindless coverage to reflect upon her role I couldn't name one single thing she had done for our nation.

She sat there, kept her mouth shut, and took the money. Behind the scenes she did all she could to ensure her family retained all their huge privileges, even vetting proposed laws and rejecting those that harmed her financial position regardless of the effect on the nation.

But here's you...

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Why are you people so bitter and angry about something beyond your control, are you unhappy with your own 'lot' or something?

If so get a better job!


Why are you people so bitter and angry about something beyond your control, are you unhappy with your own 'lot' or something?

If so get a better job!

What a weird thing to say. As if political change is an impossibility.


Why are you people so bitter and angry about something beyond your control, are you unhappy with your own 'lot' or something?

If so get a better job!

Why do you think everyone is 'bitter and angry' about their 'own lot'??
Or that everyone here only cares about their own 'jobs and money'

My 'lot' is fine thanks, but politics - which this forum is about - is about the 'bigger picture' right?
I'd prefer everyone to be alright, not just me.

What promotes a fairer society, where everyone gets a decent chance, where everyone gets at least their basic needs met.?

Are those things done by upholding a system based on hereditary privilege??

Are those things achieved by going along with the idea that some people are just 'entitled' to a much bigger slice of the pie, whilst others go hungry.? - Personally I find that idea inhumane.

Personally I think we need to grow up, and quit with venerating a group of people, just because they have a certain surname.

It's embarrassing and anachronistic.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Of course you're allowed to have more than two. But surely the 'free money' includes money from the civil list?

You don't get child benefit for a third child, so why should a spare spare get money from the civil list?

You are right, in my view, a “spare, spare”, shouldn’t get money from the civil list.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Rugby Union notwithstanding, and as much as I loathe having to go anywhere near Hillsborough corner on a Saturday, sport is the great working class escape.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Rugby Union notwithstanding, and as much as I loathe having to go anywhere near Hillsborough corner on a Saturday, sport is the great working class escape.

Keeps 'em content with their lot.


Rugby Union notwithstanding, and as much as I loathe having to go anywhere near Hillsborough corner on a Saturday, sport is the great working class escape.

It's 'escapism' yes, and a Saturday afternoon sense of 'unity' and 'belonging' with your team.

But in terms of general economic, and wellbeing uplift which truly benefits the majority of the less well off, then it's a hard 'no' from me.

The popular idea that it's fine for a lucky (and sport talented) few to 'escape' economic hardship, leaving the rest to founder as they are because their ball skills aren't up to scratch, is a bit of a grim, and divisive one really isn't it??

Deleted member 28

Personally I think we need to grow up, and quit with venerating a group of people, just because they have a certain surname.

It's embarrassing and anachronistic.

A lot on here certainly DO need to grow up, improve their own standard of living and stop whining about people lucky enough or have had the opportunity to do more with their lives.

I was at a race meeting over the weekend and chatting to a fella in the pits, the weekend was going to cost 10k in all and they were leaving for Sweden on Tuesday to race there next weekend.

Should he be able to do this or is he a 'parasite' ?

Should I resent him, hate him?

I just thought "fair play to ya mate, you're only here once ".

FFS you people.
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
Well, amongst other problems are paywalls, and assumptions about forumites language skills, for example:

You won't find much sympathy in France for monarchy, for obvious reasons, nor indeed Germany. The oft quoted example is the US, but there again they like Disney parades. The truth is they aren't looking at the UK monarchy in admiration, despite the myths we tell ourselves about global affection for the Queen, they are looking at us as a backward, retrogressive nation stuck in post-imperial decline.

I’m afraid my 60 year old French ‘O’ level makes that article a bit of a struggle for me. The views of us as a regressive nation (mostly England in that article I believe) are probably due as much to our decision on Brexit and the perpetual war on ‘illegal‘ immigration as the monarchy although tbf the pomp and ceremony do not exactly help that image. Aiui le Monde is a centre-left newspaper and I would expect it to have those quite sensible views, as many on the left do in this country.

I would not expect much sympathy from other countries for monarchy, but neither am I seeing laughter at it, just bemusement that it has lasted so long.

I am not sure that all other European nations currently have that much to teach us on regressive views with the increasing support for right wing parties on the continent, but Brexit, Boris, and this Tory government have certainly given their newspapers plenty of ammunition.

Countries like France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands have all gone down that post imperialist/colonist stage, as we are too slowly doing.


A lot on here certainly DO need to grow up, improve their own standard of living and stop whining about people lucky enough or have had the opportunity to do more their lives.

FFS you people.

So you don't think that those of us 'lucky' enough to have had a good start in life, to have had certain advantages, such as a good education and a secure enough home should ever point out the disadvantage of others, or try to do anything about baked in from birth inequality??

I can just be a complacent "I'm alright Jack" I was 'lucky' and everyone else who has had, or is having, a hard time can just go swivel??

What a lovely attitude that is.

You think that all of 'us lot' are having a hard time??

Nope, not necessarily, I've said many times, my life (now) is pretty great . But that doesn't stop me from wanting to do something about other peoples less than 'great' lives.

It's called being a conscious human being, with a conscience.

That concept has clearly passed you by.

Oh well back to work now.. Those kales aren't going to plant themselves.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Well, amongst other problems are paywalls, and assumptions about forumites language skills, for example:

You won't find much sympathy in France for monarchy, for obvious reasons, nor indeed Germany. The oft quoted example is the US, but there again they like Disney parades. The truth is they aren't looking at the UK monarchy in admiration, despite the myths we tell ourselves about global affection for the Queen, they are looking at us as a backward, retrogressive nation stuck in post-imperial decline.

You are right, of course, my French "O" level (Failed) 1963 makes that article beyond my language skills, however, I would imagine that, as here, there is a range of the Political Spectrum represented in Newspapers, for example, views expressed in The Telegraph are unlikely to chime with the Mirror.

I would have thought that ALL the major Nations of Europe (including UK) are in "post imperial decline", personally, I don't see any sign of any of the European Nations, or the EU collectively, (as much as I supported our membership of the EU), jockeying for position with China, India, or, some of the South American nations (if they ever get their act together).
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