The Queen / The Monarchy

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Deleted member 28

With Sir Keith ruling out scrapping the two child limit I almost feel sorry for Prince Louis.

I didn't realise you weren't allowed to actually have more than 2 children I just thought the free money you got for them was being limited to the first 2?

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Your anti-argument was long on assertion and very short to the point of absence on facts.

More of a 1950s style class war diatribe.

I suspect the difference between us is that I have various theoretical frameworks which I can overlay on discussions of social structures, whereas you have none.

A life unexamined, as it were.


I didn't realise you weren't allowed to actually have more than 2 children I just thought the free money you got for them was being limited to the first 2?

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Because a woman is going to go through a 9 month pregnancy, and 18 years of parenthood just in order to get and extra £15.30 a week 😆

Pale Rider

I suspect the difference between us is that I have various theoretical frameworks which I can overlay on discussions of social structures, whereas you have none.

Faux intellectual bullshite - are you @theclaud in disguise?

Because a woman is going to go through a 9 month pregnancy, and 18 years of parenthood just in order to get and extra £15.30 a week 😆

I'm with our resident Black Country collie on this one.

Whatever happened to the notion of only having something - including children - which you can afford?


All it takes is a relationship breakdown. In the patriarchal society in which we reside (which Pale Rider doubtless views as the 'natural' way of things ;) ) it is invariably the mother who is left with the children.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Deedums, feeling a bit hard done by?

Self pity isn't an attractive trate don't you know.

There isn't any self-pity in Claud's comment, just a proper concern for the increasing numbers on and below the poverty-line. I'm sure you empathise.
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Pale Rider

Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it is "faux intellectual bullshite".

It's almost as if the collective wisdom of human learning has passed you by.

Court reporter for a local paper, wasn't it?

Hmm... :whistle:

My former occupation has nothing to do with anything, same as yours.

The advantage of saying:

I have various theoretical frameworks which I can overlay on discussions of social structures

Is that it is meaningless claptrap, it cannot be argued against because it doesn't say anything.

Having come across this type of cobblers so many times, I've formed the conclusion that those using it know fine well the 'advantages'.

So how does it pan out when one of you is stricken down and you can no longer afford number 3?

That's a point, but there could be a means test to establish if the carer, who formerly could afford the child, can now not afford it.

Getting the parent/s off on the right foot - they can afford every child - is desirable.

If that puts them under pressure to stay together and/or work, that may be no bad thing.

There isn't any self-pity in Claud's comment, just a proper concern for the increasing numbers on and below the poverty-line. I'm sure you empathise.

Seemed to have an element of the green-eyed monster about it to me.

I'm sure most of us would like to have more than we have.

The difference is that it's never bothered me that someone else has loads of money, I just want more for myself.

Although that seems less important as I get older.
That's a point, but there could be a means test to establish if the carer, who formerly could afford the child, can now not afford it.

Getting the parent/s off on the right foot - they can afford every child - is desirable.

If that puts them under pressure to stay together and/or work, that may be no bad thing.

I referred to being stricken down by which I meant the main earner being seriously ill/injured. Income off a cliff....

In that case means tested benefits, which is where the limit has effect, will apply a means test.
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Deleted member 28

There isn't any self-pity in Claud's comment, just a proper concern for the increasing numbers on and below the poverty-line. I'm sure you empathise.

I do but why not complain about footballers wages or actors earnings or any other rich person as well then?

Or perhaps people like her just hate anyone doing better than her, oh wait she does. 🤣🤣🤣

Deleted member 28

Because a woman is going to go through a 9 month pregnancy, and 18 years of parenthood just in order to get and extra £15.30 a week 😆

WTF are you talking about then?

It works both ways, if you want more than 3 kids why would losing out in £15 stop you then?

Some d!ck has said as much.
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