Reading around the chip
'Wealthy parasites '. 🤣🤣🤣
You're quite right - failure of adjective/noun agreement is embarrassing. I apologize.
'Wealthy parasites '. 🤣🤣🤣
I was at a race meeting over the weekend and chatting to a fella in the pits, the weekend was going to cost 10k in all and they were leaving for Sweden on Tuesday to race there next weekend.
Should he be able to do this or is he a 'parasite' ?
Should I resent him, hate him?
“How d’you become king then?”
Surely how likeable/unlikeable individual members of the royal family are is about as far from the point as you can get.
It is, although I find it a point of minor interest that with nothing to do and vast funds to do it with, they manage to produce so little in the way of talent, charm, and merit of any kind.
The likeability or otherwise of the Royal Family is crucial, because its future is in the public's hands.
It's popularity with the public is the main reason why you abolitionists are so far from getting your wish.
I honestly think you will die in disappointment, I will certainly die happy the monarchy is still in place.
, I will certainly die happy the monarchy is still in place.
Well that got dark quickly...
Unless he's a member of the Royal Family, WTF has this to do with anything in the thread?
The tone I get is it depends on how the "man in the (motorsport) pits" acquired the money to indulge his hobby/passtime?, if he earned it, in an approved none parasite way, then, fine, if he inherited it or was paid out of the public purse, not so fine.
Perhaps I have miss-understood?
So you don't think that those of us 'lucky' enough to have had a good start in life, to have had certain advantages, such as a good education and a secure enough home should ever point out the disadvantage of others, or try to do anything about baked in from birth inequality??
I can just be a complacent "I'm alright Jack" I was 'lucky' and everyone else who has had, or is having, a hard time can just go swivel??
What a lovely attitude that is.
You think that all of 'us lot' are having a hard time??
Nope, not necessarily, I've said many times, my life (now) is pretty great . But that doesn't stop me from wanting to do something about other peoples less than 'great' lives.
It's called being a conscious human being, with a conscience.
That concept has clearly passed you by.
Oh well back to work now.. Those kales aren't going to plant themselves.
Again, nothing from you.
You are claiming that the Queen did something for the country, but you are unable to say what it was.
I see, what is a parasitic or approved (by who, these lot?) way to earn money then, what's wrong with inherited money?