The Queen / The Monarchy

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Reading around the chip
I was at a race meeting over the weekend and chatting to a fella in the pits, the weekend was going to cost 10k in all and they were leaving for Sweden on Tuesday to race there next weekend.

Should he be able to do this or is he a 'parasite' ?

Should I resent him, hate him?

Unless he's a member of the Royal Family, WTF has this to do with anything in the thread?

Pale Rider

It is, although I find it a point of minor interest that with nothing to do and vast funds to do it with, they manage to produce so little in the way of talent, charm, and merit of any kind.

The likeability or otherwise of the Royal Family is crucial, because its future is in the public's hands.

It's popularity with the public is the main reason why you abolitionists are so far from getting your wish.

I honestly think you will die in disappointment, I will certainly die happy the monarchy is still in place.


Reading around the chip
The likeability or otherwise of the Royal Family is crucial, because its future is in the public's hands.

It's popularity with the public is the main reason why you abolitionists are so far from getting your wish.

I honestly think you will die in disappointment, I will certainly die happy the monarchy is still in place.

Is it Julia you meant to reply to, because it reads like a riposte to her post? But I guess if you just want to reply to whoever you most enjoy imagining dying in disappointment, then you do you. You are, however, the last person whose opinion I'd ever seek on the subject of Likeability.


Well that got dark quickly...

I know right??

Imagine imagining that the existence, or otherwise, of a hereditary monarchy would even cross your mind on your deathbed, let alone cheer, or un-cheer your synapses??

Very peculiar ...

Still, as we know, there's nowt so queer as folk 🤔💃🌈
It's not right but neither is it worth dying a ditch to abolish. How it would be replaced, by whom and with what powers would consume a ridiculous amount of time, effort and money.

The Monarch should be a figurehead with no real power. Insofar as they might, in a crisis, have to take action which adversely affects politics then there should be transparent advice and protocols for where such things might occuer. See the Lascelles principles around a disolution.

Various things to do with lobbying and vetoes other the late Queen's estate, finances and interests suggests that undue influence to save her affluence was effected in secret. Parliament etc can stop that without abolishing the whole thing.

Deleted member 28

Unless he's a member of the Royal Family, WTF has this to do with anything in the thread?

It hasn't but that's how threads wander off sometimes, no thoughts on my question then?

Just someone else better off enjoying their life more than you do I guess.

Deleted member 28

The tone I get is it depends on how the "man in the (motorsport) pits" acquired the money to indulge his hobby/passtime?, if he earned it, in an approved none parasite way, then, fine, if he inherited it or was paid out of the public purse, not so fine.

Perhaps I have miss-understood?

I see, what is a parasitic or approved (by who, these lot?) way to earn money then, what's wrong with inherited money?

Deleted member 28

So you don't think that those of us 'lucky' enough to have had a good start in life, to have had certain advantages, such as a good education and a secure enough home should ever point out the disadvantage of others, or try to do anything about baked in from birth inequality??

I can just be a complacent "I'm alright Jack" I was 'lucky' and everyone else who has had, or is having, a hard time can just go swivel??

What a lovely attitude that is.

You think that all of 'us lot' are having a hard time??

Nope, not necessarily, I've said many times, my life (now) is pretty great . But that doesn't stop me from wanting to do something about other peoples less than 'great' lives.

It's called being a conscious human being, with a conscience.

That concept has clearly passed you by.

Oh well back to work now.. Those kales aren't going to plant themselves.

I have no problem with anything you've just said but why moan about people better off than whoever you deem to be in need of help and expect others to sort out their mess.

OK, I understand theres families out there where Daddy's done one and left poor old Momma to bring up a pack of sprogs on benefits but surely even you have to realise lots of these people bring it on themselves.

I grew up around these people and they couldn't give a toss a lot of them, then their kids do the same and it starts all over again.

Deleted member 28

Again, nothing from you.

You are claiming that the Queen did something for the country, but you are unable to say what it was.

Have we established officially if the Monarchy costs the country or adds to the economy yet, I saw some figures on here the other day that suggested they actually bought in more than they cost?

If that's the case why the f**k do you care?

If on the other hand you lose money personally from your pocket each month I can fully understand your bitterness, which is it?
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