The Queen / The Monarchy

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Would we take that approach with all child welfare and modern slavery matters?

Yeah, that's a fair point. Overall I'm sympathetic to this approach. But really, do you expect people to engage with you following this sort of thing:
Can we crowd fund a guillotine or two?

All uphill

Active Member
You are making the mistake of believing that because someone is not vehemently against something they must be equally strongly for it.

Not the case at all.

I reckon the majority of the country don't think about the monarchy from one day to the next, and certainly don't take the Royal family especially seriously.

But they do like the events when they hove into view, and are generally content with the monarchy as it is.


I think our royals are just part of the scenery to most people, like corrupt politicians and police officers, traffic jams, casual sexism.

Doesn't make it wrong to try to get those people to have a good look at them.

the snail

Active Member
Surprised a self-styled grammar cop can bear to run with that gag, TBH, but anyway... Doesn't it bother you that the king looks such a total throbber? I mean, how does anyone take this shit seriously?

You're such a killjoy. Can't we all just have a jolly good laugh at the thought of all those chumps that can't pay their energy bills?

Deleted member 28

You're such a killjoy. Can't we all just have a jolly good laugh at the thought of all those chumps that can't pay their energy bills?

Again, if there was no Monarchy would those people be lamping the gas fire up?

Do countries with no Royal family still have poverty?

Deleted member 28

If I told you what I do to try to improve things you would call me a virtue-signaller.

Feel free to enlighten me, have you had much success abolishing the Monarchy?

This is after all what you're encouraging people to do isn't it?
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