Senior Member
Russia is OPENLY laughing at the UK
one of the major Western powers
Boris is being called confused
Liz Truss - fails basic Geography - IN PUBLIC to a a country that is basically on the edge of being an enemy
and is called an moron - or pretty close to it
and the headlines
PartyGate and other stuff
when the PM becomes the whole news he cannot do his job - which is to manage and control and publicise the actions of the cabinet ministers
but all that is obscured by the antics of Boris
so - after being the biggest of the Great Powers
we are now a laughing stock
because of Boris
or am I being OTT
Russia is OPENLY laughing at the UK
one of the major Western powers
Boris is being called confused
Liz Truss - fails basic Geography - IN PUBLIC to a a country that is basically on the edge of being an enemy
and is called an moron - or pretty close to it
and the headlines
PartyGate and other stuff
when the PM becomes the whole news he cannot do his job - which is to manage and control and publicise the actions of the cabinet ministers
but all that is obscured by the antics of Boris
so - after being the biggest of the Great Powers
we are now a laughing stock
because of Boris
or am I being OTT