Private healthcare is not going to go away, and there is no reason why it should have to. The NHS has to live alongside private heathcare and there will inevitably be crossing of borders, which can be controlled and used to benefit the NHS and is not the same as privatisation of the NHS, despite the headlines from some quarters.
Despite the heady and premature dreams of a "transformational" Labour government of just a couple of years ago, there will be no revolution in this under any future Labour government, whether we have a Corbyn or Starmer clone in charge of the party. Instead we would have gradual changes in the service. Evolution instead of revolution ..... until it was the Tories turn to get back into power and reverse gear again. That is how things work in this country of such limited political vision that it can only have one of two governments (mostly right wing).
The country will not go for a far left government because, although there are too many disadvantaged people, the majority are quite comfortable in their houses with cars, big TV's, holidays overseas.
Because the electorate see the only alternative to Tory being Labour there will be a continued battle within Labour for control of that party because neither the centre left or far left have the confidence to put their money where their mouth is and start a party that closer reflects their politics.
We have some on here who say they can never vote for Tory, or LD, or a Labour party that does not meet their ideals, so where do they put their vote in a GE?
Meanwhile we keep getting Tory governments.
Sorry for the rambling nature of this post, but sometimes my cynicism gets the better of me, having seen this debate continue for so long over the decades I have been able to vote.