Reading around the chip
I do not see the rule changes as "waging war on its own members", but more a reasonable system to install checks and balances between members, constituencies, affiliates and elected MPs, especially not giving registered members a vote in the election. At the vote stage the members still have the final say.
There is no one single form of democracy for a country and certainly not for an organisation where self-selecting people pay a fee to join and vote to influence issues.
LOL there may be ' no single form or democracy' but it's an odd response to pointing out things that are unambiguously undemocratic. By 'waging war' I was referring to the purges in addition to the internal gerrymandering. Even post-Blair, the party's constitution describes it explicitly as a democratic socialist party. Starmer's instincts and behaviour are profoundly undemocratic - that's one thing if he were in charge of a corporate brand, but it's a disastrous failing in the leader of the largest political party in Europe, which explicitly exists to represent the interests of the many, not the few.
I sense you have a bee in your bonnet about the registered supporters' scheme, so perhaps I should remind you (again) that it was a Blairite initiative, and a miscalculation of proportions so epic as to be genuinely delusional. The irony remains delicious, even after everything that has happened since. Obviously Starmer is smart enough to have learned that extending the party franchise outwards takes the party leftwards - his counter-move was to try and restore the electoral college, which enabled a handful of MPs to veto what members want. Only in Newspeak can this count as any 'form of democracy'.