This forum and the current state of affairs.

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Regular's a odd one.I use it a lot as does my partner.I feel she can get away with it more as she's Irish.But it's definately a word that offends some.

Meanings change over time. As a young person, it was the "worst swear"
Lost It's potency now. The Australian style "Ah, you silly c*nt" is almost an endearment these days.
I celebrate the changing use of language (and I swear like a navvy). Much prefer creative swearing to aggression used towards others without swearing.


the word is grotesque and offensive
In your opinion. I don't find it offensive per se.
And you can't use it here either without it being autocorrected to daffodil


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
In your opinion. I don't find it offensive per se.
And you can't use it here either without it being autocorrected to daffodil

So you think by putting a star in the middle make it less offensive to people and people dont think what it means. Again, use it on the main site, even with a * and see what happens……….

people find me offensive on here, but in real life i dont even swear, my work colleagues have not heard me swear in 18yrs of working with them. People on here think its ok to call brexiteers thick and racist with no comebacks….and not a single member calls them out on it, some members think its fair game, just because its me…….calling me “IT”, calling me “Vermin”……is that ok, because i dont think it is

but your all happy it happen, even in a thread calling for calm, people were still making abusive posts towards and people turn a blind eye…….maybe what the member on the other site aboit PR being bullied off here was right, but no one will admit to it, because they all think the are innocent little angels.

when shaun scrapped naca, all hell broke lose, all people wanted was a site were a free for all could take place, but only a free for all for certain people, for others its not allowed. A prominant member stated last night, that none of this started with me, paley or shep, but did anyone listen, No….because they dont care.
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Elder Goth
So you think by putting a star in the middle make it offensive to people and people dont think what it means. Again, use it on the main site, even with a * and see what happens……….

So, "twunt" is OK? Your take on language is wild.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
I only put a star in the middle because otherwise it autocorrects to daffodil. Personally, I'm fine with the word as it is.

But thats you… many may have been turned away from becoming members because they have seen that word being used ( and by the way, he used it a long time before i became a member)…


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
Might I suggest that if you find swearing offensive, that you go back to the main site and hang out there

No…..i can come here like any other member and shouldnt be subject to offensive language. This site is not privately owned by members and members shouldnt bet pushed away, due to offensive language


Well-Known Member
Am I weird in thinking that this forum is actually not bad for a political message board that is - I believe - unregulated?

Certainly compared to the dumpster fire that passes for political discussion in places like Twitter etc.


Über Member


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
Am I weird in thinking that this forum is actually not bad for a political message board that is - I believe - unregulated?

Certainly compared to the dumpster fire that passes for political discussion in places like Twitter etc.

No your not weird for political discussion the board is fine……..but people shouldnt call others out for voting differently to them, just cause they dont like it. Especially calling them thick and racist and yes again, i admit to being a part of the problem…..but im admitting it, others wont.

Deleted member 49

Use it on the main site and see what happens, the word is grotesque and offensive………..and quite rightly on the main site, it would be deleted and you would recieve a ban. If he doesnt want his language policed, why doesnt he say it on the main site and see what happens.

and you know im right
What you on about ! This site isn't moderated is it ? If something offends you just ignore it.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
What you on about ! This site isn't moderated is it ? If something offends you just ignore it.

So because its not moderated, you cant call someone out on it and ask them not to post it???… why dont remainers turn a blind eye and ignore brexiteers when they post their views on brexit?.. why is it ok for them to abuse and be offensive, but brexiteers cant in response???


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
No its not ok…and i used it in retalliation and thats on me, but only once and never again.

Right. I promised myself I wouldn't but I will just this once.

You don't like and don't use the C word. You claim you only used that other word in retaliation. You also don't like it when people change your username. Fair points, perhaps unrealistic on a forum like this, but fair.

I have tried to be polite. I made a point of using your full and proper username out of respect. I talked to you via DM and when it became clear that you were misrepresenting what I said and were using it to display hostility to people I simply asked that you not contact me again and decided not to argue but not to engage with you and just leave you be. Maybe I've failed but I've tried, I'm only human.

So given all that how on God's green Earth can you justify referring to me in a way that not only changes my username, but which also includes a vulgar term for a woman's genitals?
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