This Just In!

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Never followed the article. There from outside looks like a higher than average number of questionable characters work for the BBC

Nope, 'questionable' characters are available everywhere.

But for many it seems that once a certain level of 'status' is reached, it seems that the ego takes charge, and they can't help but use their leverage to satisfy their own personal proclivities - whatever the true cost to other people.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I don't think there are any "winners" here, on any "side".

From Royalty to the proverbial man on the Clapham Omnibus, we are are all prone to our "human weaknesses".

Perhaps a bit of sympathy, particularly for the victim and his family, and, the family of Edwards, and Edwards himself, would not go amiss, for all of them, life may have been changed forever, and not in a good way.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Like a few more on here, you love Sun stories, but profess to hate the newspaper which provides them.

I just wish people would be more honest.

I am not sure exactly what you mean by “love Sun stories”. Perhaps you could explain. It is impossible to miss this one because it has been splashed all over the media, but I can honestly say that there is nothing to “love” about a story like this and the tragedy for all concerned, in fact the opposite.

I will freely admit to occasionally picking up a free copy of the Sun if I am in a cafe and it is the only one not taken but I have never been able to read through it because it is populist, bottom-feeding trash, and have never bought one, even when the local Spar was offering them free with the groceries. Well read (or at least well thumbed through) trash, admittedly, and I can see why someone on a local rag whose idea of a good newspaper is one that sells a lot of copies, and who has previously extolled the virtues of the newspaper would “love Sun stories”.

I am sure you will now tell us about the time a well known judge or high ranking copper has personally told you about how they also “love Sun stories”.


Getting back on topic, here's my favourite non-news story of the day:-

This poor woman has £50k in savings and a job but cannot raise a £200,000 mortgage to buy a property in Cardiff. She is currently living in a one bed flat.

According to Halifax, with an annual income of £30k and no other outgoings, dependents, loans etc she could borrow a max of £134,000. So that puts her maximum budget at around £180,000.

A quick search on RightMove brings up a 3 bed terrace for £150k, numerous 1 and 2 bed apartments in Cardiff City Centre for £150k, a 2 bed maisonette etc etc.

Perhaps this young lady needs to be told by her parents that you don't usually start off on the property ladder with a 3 bed semi-detached house.

The whole article appears to be a whinge from someone with no sense of reality.


How does this sense of reality relate to someone expecting his kids to inherit a nice house in Surrey tax free?
It's completely unrelated and off topic. This is about a house purchase. Not about a property on which all the money invested has already been taxed, in addition to the tax paid on purchase of that property. How many times is it reasonable to tax the same thing?

It also fails to take into account your continued misapprehension of that discussion - to wit, my very reasoned argument that inheritance tax should not only apply to people living in Surrey but should also apply to those living in areas where house prices are cheaper. If you want inheritance tax on houses apply it to all houses as a percentage of value.
It's completely unrelated and off topic. This is about a house purchase. Not about a property on which all the money invested has already been taxed, in addition to the tax paid on purchase of that property. How many times is it reasonable to tax the same thing?

Depends what we want in the way of public services??
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Ian H

Legendary Member
It's completely unrelated and off topic. This is about a house purchase. Not about a property on which all the money invested has already been taxed, in addition to the tax paid on purchase of that property. How many times is it reasonable to tax the same thing?

It also fails to take into account your continued misapprehension of that discussion - to wit, my very reasoned argument that inheritance tax should not only apply to people living in Surrey but should also apply to those living in areas where house prices are cheaper. If you want inheritance tax on houses apply it to all houses as a percentage of value.

Think of it as a tax on transactions - each transaction taxed appropriately.


Depends what we want in the way of public services??
If you want money for public services, inheritance tax is a spectacularly poor way to raise it. Inheritance tax is worth 7 billion pounds out of 786 billion pounds raised by the exchequer. It applies to a narrow band of people - those who have some money but who are not rich. If you are rich, you move your properties to a charitable trust based in the Cayman Islands. If you are poor you don't count.

In comparison, closing tax loopholes in energy profits would raise 22 billion, changing non-dom rules 3.2 billion, wealth tax on assets over 10 million - 10 billion. Taxing Amazon and other big software companies could also raise a fortune. Amazon had net sales of 22 billion last year, they should have paid 25% of that as corporation tax. They paid 781 million or 3%. A nice preferential rate there.

Then you have the lost taxes such as the 37 billion on test and trace, the sale of Teesworks for a quid, the lost money on PPE etc etc etc.


Think of it as a tax on transactions - each transaction taxed appropriately.
But only if you arbitrarily live in one place and not another. And if you want to go round this again, how about starting your own thread on the topic? This is not the right place.
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