Thus, even though some of the complaints are relatively trivial, the public interest test is increasingly being met.
Still trying hard to fudge the difference between the public interest, and of interest to the public. The public might be nosey bastards who love reading gossip and scandal, but they have no right to know about people's private lives, while victims of The Scum do have a right to privacy.
You hacks are variously stalkers, snoopers, long-lens and drone spies, and phone hackers. You collectively invade peoples private lives without a care.
Wherever there's an opportunity to out a person as gay, or bi, or trans, or whatever, you lot are there.
It started with a friend request on Facebook two years ago. Actor and director Jake Graf said he’d seen Hannah Winterbourne, a 31-year-old high-ranking captain in the British Army, on the news. She’d just been outed as transgender by The Sun, a UK newspaper, with the atrocious headline, “The Officer and the Gentlewoman.”