What I think is your story, while interesting, has nothing to do with Huw Edwards.
Both are examples of the scum industry which you seek to defend with utter nonsense.
What I think is your story, while interesting, has nothing to do with Huw Edwards.
Give over, Edwards only took to his bed because he was found out.
That's disgusting.
The guy has a well publicised and long history of severe depression.
You may find it disgusting, but it's obviously true.
Trial by scum journalism.
No it isn't.
Anyone waking up to find themselves on the front of The Sun in these circumstances is bound to have an adverse reaction to it.
Moral of the story is if you don't want to be in The Sun, don't mess around on sordid websites or abuse colleagues.
Trial by scum journalism.
They encouraged Brexit on the back of Britain being a proud democratic nation. Let us not forget what they have done and what they do.
You preaching morals - I just nearly died choking.
Morality police rather that the legal frame work
From what I'm reading here, the hard of thinking are not on the thread, present company excepted of course.Personal insults will only impress the hard of thinking.
Do you think Edwards should be able to do anything provided he breaks no law?
If so, fine, but it appears many people think a man in his position should hold himself to a higher standard.
Personal insults will only impress the hard of thinking.
Do you think Edwards should be able to do anything provided he breaks no law?
If so, fine, but it appears many people think a man in his position should hold himself to a higher standard.
Pretty much yes, what he, you or I do in our private lives isn’t anyone’s business, as long as no laws are broken.
if you don't want to be in The Sun, don't mess around on sordid websites
I tend to agree, but if he's being realistic, Edwards ought to realise his public persona should more or less match his private one.
How very tabloidy of you, ‘sordid websites’. I understand it was a gay dating app that he used, is that what you mean?
He's paid (was paid) £440,000 a year because the nation trusts him, apparently. I guess the trust factor may be reduced now.I tend to agree, but if he's being realistic, Edwards ought to realise his public persona should more or less match his private one.