It isn't going to change, Andy, for several connected reasons:
1) Parliament is in reccess until 4th September. By the time they return something else will occupy the headlines.
2) The Tory government are not really interested in this debacle other than for an opportunity to make political capital in its culture war position of being against the (confected) 'woke elite', which it is trying to pretend is represented by Labour.
The reason they are not interested is that they cannot take action against something that doesn't exist. (see also the confected outrage over sex Ed in schools)
3) The Tory support for Farage represents nothing other than a sort of ephemeral symbiosis of mutual convenience. They will turn on each other soon enough when it suits them (see also Farage attacking govt. over small boats).
Some big words in there, Andy. Let's see if you can do a little better with them than your bed-wetting gammon colleague.