More numbers in for January:-
- Tesla shares down 10%,
- Tesla European Sales down 50%,
- Tesla UK sales down 45%.
- All other EV manufacturers sales up 33%
If only we had some sort of clue as to why?
European sales are partly down due to regulations changes, multiple european countries stopped or changed the subsidies they give when buying an new car. Secondly car manufacurers haven't lisened very much to their audience as most demand if for mid-range cars and most eletric cars are either below orabove that, a gap all the new chinese manufacturer happily fill, helped by the fact that on EV battery production China is ahead of us.(in terms of mass production batteries vs cost, think Tesla is still the most advanced.(but i haven't red up on that so i could be dated)
Off course Musks behavior has done damage to Tesla. Not enough to kill the brand but it's not helpfull.
They have announced a new smaller Tesla. It won't be aimed at techphobes though. Tesla is still a world leader in EVs. Their software development is unparallelled, but they have failed to deliver on autonomous driving and interest is dwindling in FSD as most countries won't allow it to be used. They still provide regular software updates and listen to their users when developing new features.
About time, but the question is more can they produce enough, and are they on time, today's demand it not tommorow's demand.
The old school like VW are incredibly pedestrian in comparison. My ID4 Pro 2023 edition will not be getting significant software updates because they have updated the software and screen tech for the ID2025 and have no plans to retrofit the new screens / processors. So that's a new £50k EV rendered software end of life in just 2 years.
That's crazy and absolutely unnessacary, look at how many devices other manufacturers can support at one time.
Smaller cars are definitely part of the US car market, and are growing, ford did OK with a number of their mid to smaller models but large cars still dominate the market there. Mind you it puts in mind how much Europeans really valued small cars in times gone and how small cars today would have been rather on the larger side then. The Mini for example and a number of Renaults and Peugeots and VWs of that era compared to today.
Exactly why the cybertruck is sold there and not here, apart from regulations.
This is true.
But most outlets are owned by very rich people who promote political views that work to their own interests. In the UK there are no left wing papers.
The irony is that the fake push for 'free speech' is coming from the hard right. They want the freedom to say divisive things with impunity, whilst actively stifling opposition.
Personally, I think this is unhealthy. It may have always been like this but the key is to point it out.
It is unhealthy i absolutely agree, however when Twitter was'nt X/owned by musk yet if somebody complained the general tone ''too left'' was ''it an private company you can move to a other platform if you don't like it.''
I mean if we as a society on the whole think moving to a other platform is the solution to solve hard right or hard left problems, where gonna be left out at some point.
I don't really know a soluttion but everyone moving to an isle where they are surrounded by poeple why agree with them doesn't sound like the best idea.