IMO there is nothing intrinsically wrong with a work capability assessment method.
The problems can only come about in the purpose and methodology used. The assessors work within the parameters and guidelines they are given by the organisation they work for.
A system that is designed to reduce number of claimants and make it as difficult as possible to pass is likely to be different to one that is agreed by health practitioners, and is suitable for various types of work, as one that gives a realistic judgement on the abilities of the applicant.
It is clear that people will have different views on the WCA we have. My view based on discussions with people I know, who have experience of the system is that the way the system works currently is more like the former. Other people may have different views.
As with any system there is the possibility of fraud or "gaming" the system but the answer is a better system, not necessarily a harder one, which is as likely to penalise many genuine cases as well as the cheats. Plus an acceptance that there will be some successful attempts at fraud, as in any system that gives money to people, including tax evasion at all levels.
I have read about UBI, and have a view that it should be considered as an option for the future, but do not know enough about it to have a strong opinion yet.