it only Andy who's having his money cut...yes cut !
But if your earning that much why are you so fecking bothered ! No wonder were fecked as a country.Its irrelevant what you or I earn...(mine is shite at the moment but I get by) it's about a bit of fairness.Leveling up as your numpty of a Prime Minister calls it.I can see why you voted for him though 🙄
Wouldn't of wanted those nasty tax rises for anyone over 80,000 would you...
It was probably inevitable, after years and years of "greed is good, every man for himself, capitalism is king" style policies, and 'demonising the disadvantaged' social norms, not just here, but seeping from across the pond.
That would eventually make people start to believe that they truly were 'worth' disproportionately so much more in terms of income, and it all be about the money.
So 'worth and value' is all about bank balance, how much you can salt away in property and or investment.
So it might seem ridiculous, the idea that anyone would ever take a satisfying, or worthwhile job paying less, even if they could live on that, because it would be too much for their egos to bear.
I dunno, It would be nice to think we could row back from that attitude, in years to come.
I think we're going to have to to tackle many of the big issues we face.
I sort of see that happening in some of the younger generation, but I don't know how prevalent it is country wide, because I guess I tend to hang out with people of a similar mindset..