USA Midterms....

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Well-Known Member
The "Tampon Tim" thing is utterly pathetic btw. Having menstrual products in male bathrooms really isn't just a trans issue, no matter how much Trump et al would like it to be.

From what I have seen he made it so that all schools have to provide pads and tampons
But Republicans appear to be taking issue with the wording of the legislation, which says the products must be available “to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students.”

Now when I was a teacher in a secondary school it was not unusual for some toilets to be out of action - or vandalised in some way
and teh Girl's toilets were far worse for this than the boys

making them available in the boy's toilets means that any girl who needs to can nip in when it is quiet and grab something if she needs it
or ask a boy to do it for her (OK - probably only a brother or boyfriend would be asked - but anyway)
could be useful if the nearest has run out or is out of action and she is desperate

It is not just a trans issue but the Republicans seem to be making it one deliberately
when it is actually the result of lobbying from students for many years
so a lot of the people who started this will now be voters
and so will the parents of those wanting it now

so it is not just


Well-Known Member
From what I have seen he made it so that all schools have to provide pads and tampons
But Republicans appear to be taking issue with the wording of the legislation, which says the products must be available “to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students.”

Now when I was a teacher in a secondary school it was not unusual for some toilets to be out of action - or vandalised in some way
and teh Girl's toilets were far worse for this than the boys

making them available in the boy's toilets means that any girl who needs to can nip in when it is quiet and grab something if she needs it
or ask a boy to do it for her (OK - probably only a brother or boyfriend would be asked - but anyway)
could be useful if the nearest has run out or is out of action and she is desperate

It is not just a trans issue but the Republicans seem to be making it one deliberately
when it is actually the result of lobbying from students for many years
so a lot of the people who started this will now be voters
and so will the parents of those wanting it now

so it is not just
It is I understand, part of the anti trans movement within the current incarnation of the Republican party. Gender affirming care and participation in sports being other aspects of their attacks.
As you say, this may backfire on the Republican party. Particularly in certain States with women's rights being slashed back.


Well-Known Member
Just been thinking - I do that sometimes

anyway - wonder if trump will make more money from winning the election
or from losing

and how many people he has working on this


Trump Media likelt will go dead as a dodo if Trump loses.
I also forsee a stampede to disassociate from him.

Everything hinges on him winning.


Elder Goth
Substituting Kamala Harris supporter for vegan reminds me of that old eating joke "What would you recommend for a vegan in Texas?....Get out of Texas".

Somehow there's been a Vegan/Veggie festival in Texas going since 2012!


Well-Known Member
Day 6 in Texas and I met someone willing to admit he'd vote Harris. His family no longer speaks to him.

Rather like a lot of places - but what people say and how they vote are not always the same thing

can;t see Harris winning in Texas - but weirder things have happened - just can;t think of one at the moment!!
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