What is a woman?

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis



Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Took me a while.

Are you doing a Gregg and threatening me with raw hide?


Hey, I was out at a local military museum with my kid today. Did you know that the medal they gave you for victory in the first world war was super gay? I never realised and you never see the right wing reactionaries mention it for some reason. I thought they loved all that war stuff.



You think after two rulings, pleading for a third time, on the basis of a desire to smash the patriarchy, rather than judgement on the Scottish Ministers' construction is not 'special pleading'.
It wasn't made on the basis of a desire to smash the patriarchy. I have no idea why you say these ridiculous things other than you imagine everybody reading this swallows what you say without thinking.

It was made on the basis of the Scottish government's position on GRC's - which conflicts with the Equality Act and is mired in inconsistency. The First Minister John Swinney last week said 'Men can't get pregnant' .... whilst his government's lawyers were in London arguing the opposite.

Rulings are made, appealed, overturned, or not. Laws can be changed. That's how the law has always worked. Whatever the outcome, it won't be the end of it.



It wasn't made on the basis of a desire to smash the patriarchy. I have no idea why you say these ridiculous things other than you imagine everybody reading this swallows what you say without thinking.

Then you didn't listen to the evidence of the advocate O'Neil for FWS. He kept repeating it. If you didn't hear it then stop pretending that it didn't happen. He kept repeating that a judgement for FWS was necessary to 'confront the patriarchy', which was not a relevant legal argument.
Then you didn't listen to the evidence of the advocate O'Neil for FWS. He kept repeating it. If you didn't hear it then stop pretending that it didn't happen. He kept repeating that a judgement for FWS was necessary to 'confront the patriarchy', which was not a relevant legal argument.

The actual words of Aiden O'Neil KC are here in full for anybody to read. He certainly does 'man splain' the patriarchy (his words) to the court because understanding women's oppression and how patriarchy works to make women's rights subordinate to men's wishes is of course relevant to his case. As usual, you disingenuously misrepresent his legal arguments.

Men saying they can be women is the patriarchy on steroids btw.



The actual words of Aiden O'Neil KC are here in full for anybody to read. He certainly does 'man splain' the patriarchy (his words) to the court because understanding women's oppression and how patriarchy works to make women's rights subordinate to men's wishes is of course relevant to his case. As usual, you disingenuously misrepresent his legal arguments.

Men saying they can be women is the patriarchy on steroids btw.


That isn't a relevant legal argument. The Supreme Court have to determine whether the Scottish Ministers construction of the guidance that says that EA2010 is for both classes of sex; ie biological and legal, or not. That is it.

Banging on about the patriarchy is pleading for special treatment. Important it may be, but relevant to the case it is not.

Trans women can not be the patriarchy if they are no longer men. They are not a system of society or government.

noun: patriarchy
  1. a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is reckoned through the male line.
    "the thematic relationships of the ballad are worked out according to the conventional archetypes of the patriarchy"
    • a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
      "the dominant ideology of patriarchy"
    • a society or community organized on patriarchal lines.
      plural noun: patriarchies
      "we live in a patriarchy"
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Opening remarks are not legal arguments. The legal arguments in full are there for anybody to read.

The fact that women are having to argue in court that they are a separate meaningful group, with separate needs and rights, whilst men can simply say they are women and everybody has to go along with it, is the epitome of patriarchal entitlement.

Trans women can not be the patriarchy if they are no longer men.

The advantages of being part of the patriarchy do not disappear with a dress and a £5 certificate. The fact that these words 'woman' can even be applied to a male is the patriarchy in action.


Opening remarks are not legal arguments. The legal arguments in full are there for anybody to read.

The fact that women are having to argue in court that they are a separate meaningful group, with separate needs and rights, whilst men can simply say they are women and everybody has to go along with it, is the epitome of patriarchal entitlement.

The advantages of being part of the patriarchy do not disappear with a dress and a £5 certificate. The fact that these words 'woman' can even be applied to a male is the patriarchy in action.

There are no trans women in the government. There are no known trans women in the Commons. There are no known trans women in the Lords. There are no known trans women bishops,

Which of the 5000 or so trans women are members of the patriarchy? Are you sure they aren't just taking up beds in maternity wards for the hell of it, you know, just because they can?


The advantages of being part of the patriarchy do not disappear with a dress and a £5 certificate. The fact that these words 'woman' can even be applied to a male is the patriarchy in action.

Doesn't it feel a little bit strange to be "fighting the patriarchy" side by side with people like Musk and Widecombe?
There are no trans women in the government. There are no known trans women in the Commons. There are no known trans women in the Lords. There are no known trans women bishops,

Transwomen are men. There are lots of men in political power in the world.

There are quite a few trans identifying male politicians, including Jamie Wallis in the UK. There are US Congress reps, Health Secretary, Belgium's deputy ptime minister, Taiwan's IT minister. There are plenty of trans identifying men who are successful in business.

They seem to do exceptionally well in women's sports. The fact that they are allowed in women's sports, prisons, refuges, all at the expense of women shows you that the patriarchy works pretty well for transwomen.

Which of the 5000 or so trans women are members of the patriarchy?

All of them, because they are men. The fact that a patriarchal system doesn't necessarily like trans identifying men doesn't mean they don't benefit from it's existence, and benefit from the fact that it likes women even less. Gay men also benefit from being part of the patriarchy.

I see you're only counting ones with a GRC. I guess 'You are who you say you are' is no more.

It took women centuries to be even recognised as human beings. It's taken men 5 minutes to be recognise as women. That's patriarchy.
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Is the existence of trans men evidence that the matriarchy is fighting back?

No, it's evidence that the world is often such a crappy place for women that they would rather disassociate from their sexed body than be a woman in today's world. Read the stories of detransitioners.

The fact that the world tells girls 'You like football/short hair/climbing trees ... you must be a boy' is the patriarchy at work.
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