There is something silly with things like this, i mean the same kind of peacefull protest for something like call a other extreme ''white power'' or ''covid is fake'' would be wrapped up arrested etc. much faster.I see some protesters have been protesting about the motorway protesters getting locked up.
Apparently, this current mob are not part of Insulate Britain, Extinction Rebellion, or any other nutty group, but are 'community led'.
The ''community led'' thingly is because and injunction often mentions a certain group, calling it ''community led avoids that, kind of a loophole.
as i understood from the media all roads junctions etc. are covered, i assume a bridge deck is part of the road, so coveredThey chose to block Lambeth Bridge in London.
It's not clear to me if the bridge deck is covered by the various injunctions, so those arrested may not go to prison.
A quote from one of the protesters is instructive.
She says she has been arrested six times, with no effective consequence each time.
While that state of affairs repeats, she will never abide by the rule of law.
My Grand-Grandmother was tortured by the nazi's for failing to give up the location of the Jews they tought she was hiding(which by then luckily where already moved safely away by the resistance network.)Some people just don't seem to be able to comprehend the idea of sacrificing their own liberty for a cause outside of themselves.
That was a sacrifice for her own liberty because she wouldn't have been the first one killed by the Nazi's and the damage of that torture had damaged her for the remainder of her life. (both physical and emotional)
I have a problem with your comparison because the consequences for these protestors are much lower and it's not needed, there is a right to protest, the only thing that gets them in trouble with the law is blocking roads and such, needles to say that's a big difference with all the persons from our past that really risked their lives to achieve something, whether it is the comprehensive resistance network in the countries during nazi occupation, the fight for women's rights in a period where violence was still the primary response or the fight against slavery