Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Rusty Nails

Country Member
He's on his way out isn't he....a week at most 😁
Some of the hard line comments from Tory MPs have been reined back a bit now that he has pretended to apologise.
He says he thought it was a work event so what did he think "bring your own booze" meant on the email invitation? I wonder if he or Carrie did bring a bottle?
I miss our resident Tory apologists. Where are they? Could it be that even they no longer have the stomach to defend Johnson and his enablers?

Deleted member 49

Some of the hard line comments from Tory MPs have been reined back a bit now that he has pretended to apologise.
He says he thought it was a work event so what did he think "bring your own booze" meant on the email invitation? I wonder if he or Carrie did bring a bottle?
Dont tell me you've never popped out of work for a fag or to the shop only to get back and find there's a mad piss up on ?


Well-Known Member

Yes, at one place in the late 1960s when I was a computer programmer. I am still good friends with some people from there.

Did you work at Atari? Don't know if you saw the Atari documentary, but it looked total madness.

Mind you that was the '80s.

When I worked in a software department in the 90's a long liquid lunch on Friday was standard. Coding bugs could be quite easily detected by reviewing Friday pm code first.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Did you work at Atari? Don't know if you saw the Atari documentary, but it looked total madness.

Mind you that was the '80s.

When I worked in a software department in the 90's a long liquid lunch on Friday was standard. Coding bugs could be quite easily detected by reviewing Friday pm code first.
No, it was the electricity board. In those days computer departments were in their infancy and full of young people, and had a different vibe to the more established departments.

We used to have regular Friday afternoon Olympics in the office that included running around it and the perimeter of the building, jumping over desks and throwing objects into wastepaper bins from increasing distances.

At one time two colleagues were having a cosy work related meeting in a store room at the back of the main conference room when a large meeting started. They had to stay there all afternoon and we kept adding to their embarrassment by sending tannoy announcements for them.

We would have fitted into the Downing St. culture very well, and I left after four years.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
No, it was the electricity board. In those days computer departments were in their infancy and full of young people, and had a different vibe to the more established departments.

We used to have regular Friday afternoon Olympics in the office that included running around it and the perimeter of the building, jumping over desks and throwing objects into wastepaper bins from increasing distances.

At one time two colleagues were having a cosy work related meeting in a store room at the back of the main conference room when a large meeting started. They had to stay there all afternoon and we kept adding to their embarrassment by sending tannoy announcements for them.

We would have fitted into the Downing St. culture very well, and I left after four years.

IT in the 1960s, great fun. I remember it well.
The more I hear Tories repeating the line that Sue Gray will investigate “without fear or favour” the more I become suspicious that the report has already been written and approved at the highest level.

Just me?
The Scum party is in overdrive cooking up half baked excuses as to why the chief scumbag liar Johnson thought he was at a "work meeting " with food and booze, in a garden after six o'clock in the evening. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the report mirrors all these lies currently being peddled by Scum party ministers and MPs.

Anyone who attempts to defend Scum Johnson or the Scum government needs to have a long hard look in the mirror.

I'm farking livid with these bastards. The whole putrid lot of them.
cooking up half baked excuses
Even if the report is written in good faith, if it simply confirms what we already know will it change anything? It seems that it will fall to Lord Geidt to interpret the meaning of what is written, and we have already seen how easy it is for Johnson to brush him aside.

We can only hope that the Tories will turn on their own.


Active Member

Boris Johnson is really hoping the Queen dies about now.


Well-Known Member
At one time two colleagues were having a cosy work related meeting in a store room at the back of the main conference room when a large meeting started. They had to stay there all afternoon and we kept adding to their embarrassment by sending tannoy announcements for them.


After one liquid lunch a colleague was so drunk he couldn't stand or speak. To hide him from management we locked him in a toilet cubicle intending to smuggle him out after work was finished. Unfortunately we had also been drinking and come home time completely forgot about him. He woke up around 10pm with a fearsome hangover trying to get out of a locked and dark office.

Economists puzzle over the "productivity gap" and spend much time pontificating over the causes. I can only think they have never visited a British office.
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