Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Everything has meaning, every word we utter, every action we take, it may be subconscious but it has meaning, there are no ‘accidents’.

That doesn't answer my question.

And actually there are plenty of 'accidents' when it comes to misinterpretations, and misunderstanding, even in online discussions.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
And in reality we know, that if it came to a stand up fight, you're the one more likely to need my protection.

After all, I've got a far better arsenal of sharp and gnarly tools .

Access to several hosses, if it comes to it..

I fully admit to being a four eyed 10 stone cowardly autistic weakling. mudsticks is almost certainly way harder than I am.

shoot, that sounded like a compliment, better flagellate myself for an extra ten minutes tonight.


Active Member
That doesn't answer my question.

And actually there are plenty of 'accidents' when it comes to misinterpretations, and misunderstanding, even in online discussions.
I don’t believe that they are accidents, just a matter of interpretation, I look at the world through my lens and you look at it through yours. We may see the same thing but our perspective gives (potentially) different meanings.

I suppose that’s where those who have a semblance of empathy can soothe troubled waters.


I fully admit to being a four eyed 10 stone cowardly autistic weakling. mudsticks is almost certainly way harder than I am.

shoot, that sounded like a compliment, better flagellate myself for an extra ten minutes tonight.

:rolleyes:Might want to run that past Mrs Jim, first..,??

Rest assured I am a little bit tough.

But not really very keen on actual fighting..

However, it has been known for me to stage in the odd 'intervention' if someone's being picked on..

So, if it comes to it..

Anyhoo, enough of this..

Sleeezy Tories..


She's tucked up in bed while I do the washing up from the roast dinner I cooked.

Ooh yeah, subverting the traditional gender roles*, check me out feminists.

*We're really not, she has two small children tucked up with her.

Well get you indeed.:angel:
let us subvert together..

Ooer missus.:rolleyes:

I'm tucked up in bed already, having ignored the washing up altogether ..

Small children having flown the nest some time back, no need to even pretend an effort at domesticity..

Still have fondish memories of co-sleeping..

Certainly beat getting out of bed for feeds, at any rate ...:okay:


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Well get you indeed.:angel:
let us subvert together..

Ooer missus.:rolleyes:

I'm tucked up in bed already, having ignored the washing up altogether ..

Small children having flown the nest some time back, no need to even pretend an effort at domesticity..

Still have fondish memories of co-sleeping..

Certainly beat getting out of bed for feeds, at any rate ...:okay:

Once they're all asleep I need to go and retrieve one of them and put them back in their own bed so they can get a good night's sleep while the other one spends the next eight hours kicking my wife in the back.


Once they're all asleep I need to go and retrieve one of them and put them back in their own bed so they can get a good night's sleep while the other one spends the next eight hours kicking my wife in the back.

Happy daze..

I soo love having grown up kids..

They still want me to come out to play, only the 'play' is slightly different nowadays ...

Anyway , these blinkin Tories - they aren't going to excoriate themselves..


Über Member
Grown ups don't watch porn in public places, let alone the HoC,
For a start.

They don't harass others whether sexually or otherwise.

They don't lie repeatedly about things such as brexit being 'Best for Britain'
When that's clearly and palpably total bollix

They don't try to demonise refugees, 'benefit scroungers' and immigrants, and blame them for the cost of living crises and austerity.

They don't blame those groups above for their own deliberate underfunding of services essential to a good society..

They don't attempt to prerogue parliament

They don't make rules about covid, and then break them repeatedly themselves , whilst denying any of it.

Grown ups don't give ppe contracts to their mates..

They don't interfere with the electoral commission, and introduce voter ID to fix a non existent problem with fraud, in order that the least advantaged in society are disenfranchised .

Grown ups don't restrict our long fought for right to protest.

Grown ups don't ignore and drag their heels over action to tackle climate change, because they're highly susceptible to lobbying from oil corps..

I could go on, but my tea is ready..

Becoming less so, with every month the Tories are in power.

See above for further details 🙄

DINO - democracy in name only.
Saw this today and thought it was very creative:

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