True, but we need to have a level of "I'm rich and can do pretty much what I want" in order to have something to aim for.If we are talking about how much you need to "get by" then you could live on a lot less than £50 million.
True, but we need to have a level of "I'm rich and can do pretty much what I want" in order to have something to aim for.If we are talking about how much you need to "get by" then you could live on a lot less than £50 million.
True, but we need to have a level of "I'm rich and can do pretty much what I want" in order to have something to aim for.
You rang. Most of my daughters fees have been paid for via home equity release. That said my wife and I have good salaries. But then I pay £2k per month mortgage, about £500 on gas and electricity, £300 a month on council tax, then the home and contents insurance, broadband, mobile phones etc. I pay a lot of VAT and a good amount of income tax.
Yes thanks.
IMHO when they can afford multiple cars,a nanny, a gardener, a private cinema and a multigym.
I would however embrace the idea that instead of having billionaires, we just declare that "You have won life" once you accrue say 50 million quid. I reckon I could get by for the rest of my life on 50 million quid. Anything after that goes to help people who need it.
The answer to who are “the rich” is simple, they start just above me, in wealth terms, and go up.
But not when they can afford 2 kids at private School, 2k mortgage, etc, etc.IMHO when they can afford multiple cars,a nanny, a gardener, a private cinema and a multigym.
We need to tax the wealthy,
As @icowden just proved, it seems as long as you spend everything you earn each month then someone else can pay.
Premier League Footballers are a very rare beast.We already do, footballers for example pay out around half their wages in tax and NI so just work that out.
Average Premier league salary £60k per week at a guess, that's some contribution.
How much would you have them paying out, 60%, 70%, 80%?
It’s an interesting question.
Should someone earning £70k with no dependents or mortgage be taxed more than someone earning the same with 2 children and a mortgage.
Companies are taxed on profit not turnover. Could as similar system be used for individuals? Tax them on their disposable income after certain costs are taken into account. (Private school fees won’t be on the list)
I know the “richest” time of my life was before my wife and I had children. We both worked full time and had more money then than we do now. I suspect this pattern will repeat once the kids have flown the nest.
Premier League Footballers are a very rare beast.
Most ultra rich aren’t employees paying PAYE.
It’s the other income streams that needs taxing.
I don’t know about rich - I suspect that depends on your perspective but my definition of comfortably off is not knowing how much you spend a week on groceries.
I have no objection to paying more tax if it means we get better services and that society works for everyone
We're here again 'the rich' the 'ultra rich' at what level do people become this?
According to one bloke having a home cinema and a multigym defines 'richness' yet a 10 million per yr footy player isn’t in your eyes?