Oh dear, what a load of cobblers from the usual posters.
I'll reply to a random couple.
Paley helpful setting the bar here for Real Racists at 'has a bedroom wallpapered with swastikas'. Instead of somewhere like... oh, I don't know... advocating drowning refugees at sea.
Claud, you were the one who called me a racist for quoting the list of most polluting countries, and the inference that I've advocated drowning anybody is yet more fantasy on your part.
Although were you splashing around water, I'd probably hesitate before throwing you the lifebelt.
What the actual f*ck is the point of this thread?
The point is to get posters to consider the meaning of racist before throwing the term at others - see Claud above, but she's not the only one who clearly wouldn't know a racist if one slapped them in the face.
There is no one on this forum who is self-evidently racist.
Supporting a firm immigration policy, as some of us do, does not make us racists, it merely makes us supporters of a firm immigration policy.
I thought about replying to
@multitool, but what's the point?
It's just another string of posts attempting to assassinate my character, and also telling everyone how unimportant I am to him.
Funny way of showing it, mate, but no doubt you know best.